基于大模型搭建的聊天机器人,同时支持 微信公众号、企业微信应用、飞书、钉钉 等接入,可选择GPT3.5/GPT-4o/GPT4.0/ Claude/文心一言/讯飞星火/通义千问/ Gemini/...
Get up and running with Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models.
基于深度学习高性能中文车牌识别 High Performance Chinese License Plate Recognition Framework.
Armbian Community rolling release
use cnn recognize captcha by tensorflow. 本项目针对字符型图片验证码,使用tensorflow实现卷积神经网络,进行验证码识别。
Stream real-time screen capture data out of Android devices.
Control and manage Android devices from your browser.
A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator.