  • 我 stf local 启动后 localhost:7100 页面无法打开请问这个怎么解决

    tcp:// --bind-dealer tcp:// --bind-pull tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.404Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli triproxy dev001 --bind-pub tcp:// --bind-dealer tcp:// --bind-pull tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.405Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli processor proc001 --connect-app-dealer tcp:// --connect-dev-dealer tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.407Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli processor proc002 --connect-app-dealer tcp:// --connect-dev-dealer tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.408Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli reaper reaper001 --connect-push tcp:// --connect-sub tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.410Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli provider --name docker-desktop --min-port 7400 --max-port 7700 --connect-sub tcp:// --connect-push tcp:// --group-timeout 900 --public-ip --storage-url http://localhost:7100/ --adb-host --adb-port 5037 --vnc-initial-size 600x800 --mute-master never --allow-remote"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.417Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli auth-mock --port 7120 --secret kute kittykat --app-url"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.432Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli app --port 7105 --secret kute kittykat --auth-url --websocket-url"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.441Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli api --port 7106 --secret kute kittykat --connect-push tcp:// --connect-sub tcp:// --connect-push-dev tcp:// --connect-sub-dev tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.450Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli groups-engine --connect-push tcp:// --connect-sub tcp:// --connect-push-dev tcp:// --connect-sub-dev tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.472Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli websocket --port 7110 --secret kute kittykat --storage-url http://localhost:7100/ --connect-sub tcp:// --connect-push tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.495Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli storage-temp --port 7102"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.503Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli storage-plugin-image --port 7103 --storage-url http://localhost:7100/"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.518Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli storage-plugin-apk --port 7104 --storage-url http://localhost:7100/"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.531Z INF/util:procutil 1 [*] Forking "/app/lib/cli poorxy --port 7100 --app-url http://localhost:7105/ --auth-url http://localhost:7120/ --api-url http://localhost:7106/ --websocket-url http://localhost:7110/ --storage-url http://localhost:7102/ --storage-plugin-image-url http://localhost:7103/ --storage-plugin-apk-url http://localhost:7104/"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.633Z INF/triproxy 19 [dev001] PUB socket bound on tcp://

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.635Z INF/triproxy 19 [dev001] DEALER socket bound on tcp://

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.638Z INF/triproxy 19 [dev001] PULL socket bound on tcp://

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.839Z INF/triproxy 18 [app001] PUB socket bound on tcp://

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.849Z INF/db 29 [*] Connecting to

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.854Z INF/triproxy 18 [app001] DEALER socket bound on tcp://

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.854Z INF/triproxy 18 [app001] PULL socket bound on tcp://

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.873Z INF/reaper 34 [reaper001] Subscribing to permanent channel "*ALL"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.876Z INF/reaper 34 [reaper001] Reaping devices with no heartbeat

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.876Z INF/processor 29 [proc002] App dealer connected to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.876Z INF/processor 29 [proc002] Device dealer connected to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.877Z INF/db 34 [reaper001] Connecting to

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.890Z INF/reaper 34 [reaper001] Receiving input from "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.891Z INF/reaper 34 [reaper001] Sending output to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.945Z INF/db 24 [*] Connecting to

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.985Z INF/processor 24 [proc001] App dealer connected to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:30.986Z INF/processor 24 [proc001] Device dealer connected to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.175Z INF/groups-engine 67 [*] Subscribing to permanent channel "*ALL"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.173Z INF/poorxy 97 [*] Listening on port 7100

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.194Z INF/groups-engine 67 [*] Groups engine started

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.196Z INF/db 67 [*] Connecting to

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.214Z INF/groups-engine 67 [*] Sending output to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.214Z INF/groups-engine 67 [*] Receiving input from "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.215Z INF/groups-engine 67 [*] Sending output to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.215Z INF/groups-engine 67 [*] Receiving input from "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.228Z INF/provider 36 [*] Subscribing to permanent channel "b8dffek2TyWjhplVh+Qf+g=="

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.245Z INF/app 55 [*] Using pre-built resources

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.256Z INF/app 55 [*] Listening on port 7105

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.263Z INF/provider 36 [*] Sending output to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.268Z INF/db 55 [*] Connecting to

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.271Z INF/auth-mock 49 [*] Listening on port 7120

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.273Z INF/provider 36 [*] Receiving input from "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.277Z INF/provider 36 [*] Tracking devices

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.284Z INF/db 49 [*] Connecting to

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.298Z INF/storage:plugins:image 85 [*] Listening on port 7103

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.322Z INF/storage:temp 79 [*] Listening on port 7102

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.331Z INF/storage:plugins:apk 91 [*] Listening on port 7104

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.410Z INF/websocket 73 [*] Subscribing to permanent channel "*ALL"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.415Z INF/websocket 73 [*] Listening on port 7110

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.425Z INF/db 73 [*] Connecting to

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.428Z INF/websocket 73 [*] Sending output to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.429Z INF/websocket 73 [*] Receiving input from "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.700Z INF/api 60 [*] Subscribing to permanent channel "*ALL"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.731Z INF/api 60 [*] Listening on port 7106

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.760Z INF/api 60 [*] Sending output to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.760Z INF/api 60 [*] Receiving input from "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.761Z INF/api 60 [*] Sending output to "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:31.761Z INF/api 60 [*] Receiving input from "tcp://"

    2021-02-28T12:38:32.114Z INF/db 60 [*] Connecting to