Use ChatGPT (or other backends) to generate PPT automatically, all in one single file.
detect stages in video automatically
"Zero setup" & "Blazingly fast" general code file relationship analysis. With Python & Rust. Base...
A library for extracting and analyzing definition/reference graphs from your codebase. Powered by...
A GitHub action for automatically evaluating the logic level impacts of Pull Requests. Multi lang...
binding specific USB devices to container
linked graph for diff
A tiny engine for exploring your git history with graph view.
Extract keywords from git history for better understanding your code files. For human and LLM.
Tag source files with real-world stories.
这些都要编译且与 java 耦合,场景不太一致
成熟指的是哪几个呢,coca 用的就是 antlr4
ok 补上啦 到 issue 这边沟通哈 最好贴下你的脚本跟视频啥的,这个耗时肯定不合理
别了,这种玩票作品不建议使用到严肃的工业产品里 直接右转去看看 airtest、poco 都可以,至少找一些看起来有人在维护的东西