自动化测试工具 2015 Selenium 大会

国文 · 2015年09月17日 · 最后由 许立 回复于 2015年12月09日 · 3081 次阅读

9 月 8 号到 10 号三天在俄勒冈州的波特兰召开了 Selenium Conference 2015,分享的演讲很多,视频也放出来了,做了下搬运工,传到优酷


A conference that bring together Selenium developers & enthusiasts from around the world to share ideas, socialize, and work together on advancing the present and future of Selenium.

The Selenium Conference is a non-profit, volunteer-run event presented by members of the Selenium Community. The goal of the conference is to bring together Selenium developers & enthusiasts from around the world to share ideas, socialize, and work together on advancing the present and future success of the project.

This year’s conference will be held in Portland, Oregon beginning with all-day workshops on Tuesday, September 8th, followed by two days of presentations by Selenium and automated testing experts and practitioners from around the world. The conference will include general session keynotes and parallel tracks on both Wednesday and Thursday. There will also be pair-coding sessions throughout the day, as well as opportunities to get Selenium advice and tutorials from experts.




Official Selenium Blog(selenium 官博):https://seleniumhq.wordpress.com/

大会优酷视频:http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_26081500.html (emm.要密码,不过相信论坛的用户能猜出)

能 *** 的请直接https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKUlyMaKz8Y&list=PLRdSclUtJDYXehIM7SyQyIghLDmE015Gc

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1楼 已删除

#1 楼 @ansonwoo Google 自带 ***。。。。

补充一句,都没中文字幕。大伙都来练练英文听力(话说有些咖喱的英语听起来好吃力。。。)。不过有 keynote,所以应该还不至于完全不知道在说啥。


5楼 已删除
6楼 已删除

@chenhengjie123 , 不过这个字幕不是原生的,是语音识别自动生成的字幕,有一定误差,但能帮助你识别大意

#1 楼 @ansonwoo 在大群里加我吧. 我把我的共享给你.

9楼 已删除
4楼 已删除

补充一下, selenium conf 15 官方上线了集合 topic,slider,video 三者的网站:

非常棒,作为测试行业的从业者,我们也会选择一些好的 topic 翻译一下分享给大家

@chenhengjie123 更新下地址,https://confengine.com/selenium-conf-2015/schedule

大家可以先看看 slide 再决定是不是看视频,三合一的这个地址很有用,感谢

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