移除了对 grep 的依赖
检查 android api 版本 低于 17 不允许使用 uiautomator
其他若干 bug fix
我比较疑惑的是 android api16 就已经有了 uiautomator 支持 他们为什么老说是 17 才有
- add sauce reporting to ruby example
- normalize all ruby examples
- don't allow linux platforms to run ios doctor checks
- allow building of single platforms in reset.sh (don't delete other platforms)
- fix bug with --show-config & npm
- removed some unused tests
- remove retry support from appium test harness
- catch grid syntaxerror issue
- make sure gappium tests actually get run
- update docs for setting up ios-webkit-debug-proxy
- fix authorize_ios
- make sure setLocale doesn't run on real devices
- give webviews a bit of time to show up before we say they aren't there
- fix the auth db doctor check to work for 10.7
- when launching simulator without instruments, wait for sim logs
- kill zombie sim daemon launchers
- update mobile: reset
- automatically retry launching instruments if it flakes out. The number of retries can be set with -r N or --backend-retries N, where N is the number of retries, including 0.
- add support for automating real Safari (and other built-in apps) in iOS7
- remove support for using iwebview as a Safari replacement
- when running mobile safari tests, automatically detect ios version
- update i-w-d for compatibility with xcode 5.1 / ios 7.1
- remove dependency on grep for real devices
- add 19.0.0 to possible build paths
- add tests for apk downloading and fix apk downloading issue
- check for API level >= 17 for uiautomator and fail sooner if not
- fix issue where calculating md5 of app would use too much memory, for large apps
- fix bug with checking whether app already existed on device
- give useful error message if user tries to run a uiautomator-based "mobile: " command in selendroid
- update selendroid