Appium appium 进入 1.3 时代

思寒_seveniruby · 2014年10月28日 · 最后由 唐僧之妈 回复于 2014年11月13日 · 2084 次阅读

支持 ios8, 其他没什么变化了。 已经稳定了。

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.1 (from 1.3.0)


  • fixed a bug where appium could hang if the 'full-reset' and 'keepKeychain' capabilities were both used on ios8.1
  • default context now set to NATIVE_APP instead of being null


  • fix bugs which arise from spaces in the path to adb tool
  • fix detection of whether the screen is locked
  • fix an error with running remote apk's on Windows

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.0 (from 1.2.4)


  • allow full-reset desired capability to work alongside language/locale desired capabilities


  • add iOS 8 support
  • add support for launching an app on the sim just by bundleId (iOS8 only)
  • ensure screenshot process uses dir specified in --tmp
  • add --isolate-sim-device which removes all other xcode 6 simulators before running test (might be necessary for some platforms)
  • update mobile safari temp app to include platformVersion so we don't get strange version conflicts
  • reset push notification privacy settings in between sessions
  • fix the flakiness of getting a list of available devices
  • auto-refresh Safari if no webviews are found
  • rewrite cookie handling code to use code derived from jQuery instead of mozilla docCookie
  • force device string when device name starts with "="
  • fix a security hole in pullFile() where users could download files on the machine hosting appium


  • fix Chromedriver to work with newer versions
  • Chromedriver will work if adb is not running on default port
  • speed up clearing text fields when there is hint text


  • fix sendKeys() in CHROMIUM context
  • fix getContexts()

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.0-beta1 (from 1.2.3)


  • add objective-c examples


  • update appium-instruments with logging fixes
  • add iOS 8 support
  • add support for launching an app on the sim just by bundleId (iOS8 only)
  • ensure screenshot process uses dir specified in --tmp
  • add --isolate-sim-device which removes all other xcode 6 simulators before running test (might be necessary for some platforms)
  • update mobile safari temp app to include platformVersion so we don't get strange version conflicts
  • reset push notification privacy settings in between sessions
共收到 9 条回复 时间 点赞

大家可以去看 这个代码库,对于 android 和 ios 公用一套测试代码设计的不错。

#1 楼 @lihuazhang 这个设计不错,对于 phonegap 这种跨平台混合应用来说

#2 楼 @umbrella1978 嗯 特别适合 h5

1.3.1 iOS8 真机有问题

#4 楼 @xiaomayi0323 没问题啊,我真机能运行 ios8.1

ios_webkit_debug_proxy -c udid:27753

1.3.1 能运行 ios7。1 吗? 不是真机,是模拟器

@bean_sprouts 可以的哈。我试过了

#4 楼 @xiaomayi0323 需要设置 准许 ui automation

#8 楼 @wozaihouma Enable 了,还有其他问题

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