appium1.2 发布了
在 android4.1 4.3 和 ios7 上持续集成用例通过
CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 (from 1.1.0)
- migrated to express 4 for the webserver
- allow setting tmp dir with --tmp flag
允许设置临时目录,防止某些手机型号的 tmp 无法访问,猜测
- upgrade many submodules including wd
- add --strict-caps mode which will cause sessions to fail which send in
bad or unknown caps
- add error handling for invalid multi-pointer gestures
- add autoWebview capability to automatically get into a webview context of a
hybrid app
通过一个设置可以自动切换到 webview
- remove deprecated -real xpath locator strategy
去掉了原来的过渡模式,目前是完全的 xpath 了
- allow bypassing appium's sudo checks
- add generic crash handler
- many documentation and sample code updates
- prevent log lines without dates from being filetered out
- add keepAppToRetainPrefs cap to avoid deleting location plists
- check for accessibility id matching selector then fall back to string match
- add flag for specifying where in .app hierarchy Localizable.strings is
- use a dynamic bootstrap in appium-uiauto
- upgrade mechanic
- implement pullFolder to get an entire folder from the sim
- make sure launchAndKill can wait for specified directories before killing sim
- get rid of ForceQuitInstruments
- update hideKeyboard to take various possible strategies
- fix launchAndKill to wait for safari-specific directories
- make sure all pageload timeouts are cleared and called only once
- disable ios grace delay
- don't return duplicate elements
- renamed keyevent to press_keycode and long_press_keycode
方法重命名了,可能要调整测试用例。我是建议大家最好在 appium 上进行二次的封装,否则变动
- add dedupe to complex_find
- fix activity-finding logic
- fix error handling in installApp
- extract adb code into its own package, appium-adb
- add support for opening notifications
- add automation support for embedded chromium
- fix pushStrings to work with 'app' as package
- fix id serach
重要的特性,支持 3 种 android 的 id
- cause appium to fail if we can't parse package/activity
- add package name to android webview context
重要,可能要修改 case
- make sure UNZIP env var doesn't confuse our internal unzip calls
- add appIntent etc capabilities so app can be launched with a certain intent
这个很有用,直接加在特定的 intent
- add IME methods, and an appium-specific IME that is automatically installed
- add unicodeKeyboard capability which allows sending unicode text
- fix installApp, prevent a server crash
- faster selendroid installer