testunit 的运行方式应该是在一套虚拟环境中,类的静态变量在不同 testsuit 里面应该是隔离的,楼主还是换一个方式吧!另外也不推荐这样使用全局变量,容易出现各种难搞的问题。
日志级别也可以使用 robot 参数设置
ROBOT_SYSLOG_LEVEL Log level to use when writing to the syslog file.
Available levels are the same as with --loglevel
command line option and the default is INFO.
装饰器用的不错。测试框架还是推荐 robot framework,好用,好看。
习惯 python3 啦!感谢,更新了再用起来
不支持 python3,差评
Whether exist path: '/srv/rethinkdb'. Create folder manually if not exist.
you can kill all process and try again.
killall node
killall rethinkdb
BTW, not care doctor tips on rethinkdb, have any problem about this.
Do not use dbg file, please download ' rethinkdb_2.3.6.srh.1.0bionic_amd64.deb'
please try to use following url: https://github.com/srh/rethinkdb/releases
1. Download a package for bionic from https://github.com/srh/rethinkdb/release/tag/v2.3.6.sch.1, for example rethinkdb_2.3.6.sch.1.0bionic_amd64.deb
2. Install on ubuntu 18.04 by following commands: sudo dpkg -I ***.bed
3. If you get a message about missing some dependencies, run sudo apt-get install -f to install them
4. Then run rethinkdb --version to test that installation succeeded