你好,请问下 app WebView 的版本为 40.0.2214.124,这个版本太低了,以至于在 pom.xml 文件中把 Chromedriver 降低到 2.1 都没用,降到 2.1 会下载不到依赖,有什么方法提高 app WebView 的版本呢?
使用 “http://localhost:8100/staus” 和 “http://localhost:8100/source” 都有数据返回,并且返回的内容都是对的,但是在浏览器里打开 “http://localhost:8100/inspector” ,页面显示空白,没有任何信息。
accepted connection, fd = 4
waiting for connection
accepted connection, fd = 6
waiting for connection
Number of available devices == 1
Requesting connecion to device handle == 1 (serial: a43c429e49bb9862d018b9ee39c662c0d4cc6481), port 8100
Number of available devices == 1
Requesting connecion to device handle == 1 (serial: a43c429e49bb9862d018b9ee39c662c0d4cc6481), port 8100
run_ctos_loop: fd = 6
run_ctos_loop: fd = 4
run_stoc_loop: fd = 6
run_stoc_loop: fd = 4
recv failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
recv failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
recv failed: Operation not permitted
MAC 系统版本是 10.12,iOS 版本 10.2,Xcode 版本是 8.3,辛苦大神帮忙看下是什么问题
您好,我的是 IOS10.2 手机
(1)使用命令 “xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination 'id=你的 UDID' test” 一直卡在 Set Up:
Test Case '-[UITestingUITests testRunner]' started.
t = 0.00s Start Test at 2016-12-20 09:58:02:209
t = 0.01s Set Up
(2)命令 “iproxy 8100 8100” 输出:
recv failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
recv failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
recv failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
recv failed: Operation not permitted
(3)打开 “http://localhost:8100/status” 是好的,但是打开 “http://localhost:8100/inspector” 显示空白,请教下是怎么回事?
(4)打开手机上的 WebDriverAgent App 整个黑屏