STF 关于 STF 手机兼容问题合集

Allen · 2017年02月23日 · 最后由 yangdonghaohpu 回复于 2020年06月28日 · 5270 次阅读

各位 testhome 的大 V 好,这是我兼容的部分手机,兼容的并不是很多,但是在兼容 ZUK 手机的时候,出现问题了,不知道有没有和我一样的在兼容 ZUK 手机出现过下面的错误信息。

INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Touch origin is top left
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Requesting touch consumer to start
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Launching screen service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Connecting to minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] minitouch says: "/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/minitouch: can't execute: Permission denied"
WRN/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Shell keeping minitouch running ended unexpectedly
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Disconnecting from minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Stopping minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Launching screen service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Connecting to minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] minitouch says: "/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/minitouch: can't execute: Permission denied"
WRN/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Shell keeping minitouch running ended unexpectedly
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Disconnecting from minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Stopping minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Launching screen service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Connecting to minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] minitouch says: "/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/minitouch: can't execute: Permission denied"
INF/device:support:push 14990 [LE67A06180224872] Sending output to "tcp://"
INF/device 14990 [LE67A06180224872] Preparing device
WRN/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Shell keeping minitouch running ended unexpectedly
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Disconnecting from minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Stopping minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Launching screen service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Connecting to minitouch service
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] minitouch says: "/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/minitouch: can't execute: Permission denied"
WRN/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Shell keeping minitouch running ended unexpectedly
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Disconnecting from minitouch service
WRN/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Will not apply desired state due to too many failures
INF/device:plugins:touch 14966 [c806b880] Stopping minitouch service
FTL/device 14966 [c806b880] Setup had an error Error: Failed more than 3 times in 10000ms
    at TouchConsumer._failLimitExceeded (/app/lib/units/device/plugins/touch/index.js:230:26)
    at FailCounter.emit (/app/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:117:35)
    at (/app/lib/util/failcounter.js:29:10)
    at TouchConsumer._outputEnded (/app/lib/units/device/plugins/touch/index.js:223:24)
    at RiskyStream.emit (/app/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:115:35)
    at RiskyStream.<anonymous> (/app/lib/util/riskystream.js:14:12)
    at emitNone (events.js:91:20)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:185:7)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:973:12)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)
From previous event:
    at startConsumer (/app/lib/units/device/plugins/touch/index.js:511:14)
    at /app/lib/units/device/plugins/touch/index.js:526:12
    at SerialSyrup.ParallelSyrup.invoke (/app/node_modules/stf-syrup/lib/parallel.js:54:24)
    at /app/node_modules/stf-syrup/lib/serial.js:43:33
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)
FTL/util:lifecycle 14966 [c806b880] Shutting down due to fatal error
INF/provider 1 [*] Cleaning up device worker "c806b880"
ERR/provider 1 [*] Device worker "c806b880" died with code 1

网上找了很多资料,还是没有解决,特来和大 V 们一起分享小,一起探讨下这个坑

共收到 21 条回复 时间 点赞

看 STF 的 Changelog 里有一条

Fixed ZUK Z1, Z2 and others by adding an alternate install location for our binaries, since /data/local/tmp is mounted as noexec on those devices. Thanks @dkw72n!

不过还在 HEAD 里没有发布,楼主可以拉取最新代码本地编译运行 STF 试试

越昂超英 回复

你好,你的意思是最新 hub 上的代码修复了这个问题吗?

Allen 回复


Allen 回复


Allen 回复


"/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/minitouch: can't execute: Permission denied"。。。。。。。。。。。。chmod 777 也不行吗?

报错不是写明是没有权限了么?这种情况下只能 root 手机。

zuiniao123 回复

国内手机定置很恶心,各种没有权限,而且不能修改权限。包括华为手机,logcat 都不给权限。

zuiniao123 回复

执行 adb devices 是显示手机是正常的,并不是 no permission

Allen #15 · 2017年02月24日 Author
0x88 回复

我已经 root 了,但是还是不行····比较奇怪

越昂超英 回复

其实不用编译,在 stf 的目录下直接 npm install 组件名就可以了。

0x88 回复

华为手机 logcat 可以
ProjectMenu->后台设置->LOG 设置->LOG 开关 点击打开, 然后在 LOG 级别选 VERBOSE

陈子昂 回复

MATE9 不支持 logcat -c 命令,导致 adbkit 里面会报错。


FTL/device:plugins:touch 405 [] Touch consumer had an error Error: Failed more than 3 times in 10000ms
at TouchConsumer._failLimitExceeded (/app/lib/units/device/plugins/touch/index.js:230:26)
at FailCounter.emit (/app/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:117:35)
at (/app/lib/util/failcounter.js:29:10)
at TouchConsumer._outputEnded (/app/lib/units/device/plugins/touch/index.js:223:24)
at RiskyStream.emit (/app/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:115:35)
at RiskyStream. (/app/lib/util/riskystream.js:14:12)
at emitNone (events.js:91:20)
at Socket.emit (events.js:185:7)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:974:12)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)
FTL/util:lifecycle 405 [] Shutting down due to fatal error

手机已经提示已经连接了,但是我在 stf 页面里面点击手机的时候,立马端口连接,报上面的异常

minitouch 在 windows 上用的时候会报 10053 socket 错误,报错频率还是挺高的。这个怎么办?

Unable to find a suitable touch device

谁能解决我这个问题。。提供报酬 1000 块钱!

匿名 #20 · 2019年08月15日
xingkong 回复

开发者选项里面,打开允许 USB 模拟点击的开关试试呢

xingkong 回复


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