Appium appium0.17.6 版本发布

思寒_seveniruby · 2014年03月27日 · 最后由 孟中原 回复于 2014年03月30日 · 974 次阅读

appium 开始跟 selenium3 标准对齐了, 估计正式版不远了

CHANGES IN VERSION 0.17.6 (from 0.17.6)


  • disallow use of Appium in sudo mode
  • ensure publishes happen with a version of Node which doesn't generate shasum errors in NPM

CHANGES IN VERSION 0.17.5 (from 0.17.4)


  • update Selendroid to 0.9.0 (有用)

CHANGES IN VERSION 0.17.4 (from 0.17.3)


  • fix "mobile: reset"
  • use the new Context API (from the spec draft) for switching back and forth between webviews. The window handles strategy will be deprecated in 1.0 (重要)
  • update Wd.js to use a version with context support
  • sanitize desired caps so they are always a manageable type


  • allow testing of iOS7.1 in Appium's testsuite/
  • don't error out of pref path finding too soon if there are multiple dirs


  • fix "mobile: push"
  • fix fastReset going undefined between sessions
  • add --avd-args server param to pass args to avd on boot
  • various fixes for starting avds, including allowing multiple emulators to be running
  • fix getElement() to set isElement to false instead of throwing
  • fix touch actions by fixing leaking state across executions
  • remove fastClear and run pm clear on fastReset

CHANGES IN VERSION 0.17.3 (from 0.17.2)


  • add new desired capabilities handling to conform to the Selenium 3 spec. Use of old desired capabilities will now be deprecated. See the spec draft for more information


  • fix process detection
  • make sure temp dir exists before writing zipaligned apk to it
共收到 4 条回复 时间 点赞

请问你装上了么?npm install -g appium@0.17.6 装不上

#1 楼 @vigossjjj npm install -g appium 就可以了吧, 不用指定版本, 有可能版本还会更新

#2 楼 @seveniruby npm install -g appium 装的是 0.13.几.... 每次出新版本你都试么?还是后几个版本就没更新过?

#2 楼 @seveniruby 老兄 找你有事谈啊 看到请联系我 QQ:254776952

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