专栏文章 10 分钟内快速上手 HttpRunner v4.0

debugtalk · 2022年04月24日 · 最后由 nickjiang 回复于 2024年06月17日 · 12594 次阅读

HttpRunner v4.0 的首要核心目标就是「简单易用」,即使你是新用户,你也可以在 10 分钟之内快速上手。



HttpRunner v4 采用 Golang 开发,已针对主流操作系统预编译了二进制文件,只需在系统终端中执行一条命令即可完成安装部署。

$ bash -c "$(curl -ksSL https://httprunner.com/script/install.sh)"

安装成功后,你将获得一个 hrp 命令行工具,执行 hrp -h 即可查看到参数帮助说明。

$ hrp -h

██╗  ██╗████████╗████████╗██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗   ██╗███╗   ██╗███╗   ██╗███████╗██████╗
██║  ██║╚══██╔══╝╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║   ██║████╗  ██║████╗  ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗
███████║   ██║      ██║   ██████╔╝██████╔╝██║   ██║██╔██╗ ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗  ██████╔╝
██╔══██║   ██║      ██║   ██╔═══╝ ██╔══██╗██║   ██║██║╚██╗██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝  ██╔══██╗
██║  ██║   ██║      ██║   ██║     ██║  ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║██║ ╚████║███████╗██║  ██║
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HttpRunner is an open source API testing tool that supports HTTP(S)/HTTP2/WebSocket/RPC
network protocols, covering API testing, performance testing and digital experience
monitoring (DEM) test types. Enjoy! ✨ 🚀 ✨

License: Apache-2.0
Website: https://httprunner.com
Github: https://github.com/httprunner/httprunner
Copyright 2017 debugtalk

  hrp [command]

Available Commands:
  boom         run load test with boomer
  completion   generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  convert      convert JSON/YAML testcases to pytest/gotest scripts
  har2case     convert HAR to json/yaml testcase files
  help         Help about any command
  pytest       run API test with pytest
  run          run API test with go engine
  startproject create a scaffold project

  -h, --help               help for hrp
      --log-json           set log to json format
  -l, --log-level string   set log level (default "INFO")
  -v, --version            version for hrp

Use "hrp [command] --help" for more information about a command.

HttpRunner 还支持多种安装部署方式,详见用户指南的安装说明部分。


HttpRunner 支持使用脚手架创建示例项目。

执行 hrp startproject 命令,即可初始化指定名称的项目工程。

$ hrp startproject demo
10:13PM INF Set log to color console other than JSON format.
10:13PM ??? Set log level
10:13PM INF create new scaffold project force=false pluginType=py projectName=demo
10:13PM INF create folder path=demo
10:13PM INF create folder path=demo/har
10:13PM INF create file path=demo/har/.keep
10:13PM INF create folder path=demo/testcases
10:13PM INF create folder path=demo/reports
10:13PM INF create file path=demo/reports/.keep
10:13PM INF create file path=demo/.gitignore
10:13PM INF create file path=demo/.env
10:13PM INF create file path=demo/testcases/demo_with_funplugin.json
10:13PM INF create file path=demo/testcases/demo_requests.yml
10:13PM INF create file path=demo/testcases/demo_ref_testcase.yml
10:13PM INF start to create hashicorp python plugin
10:13PM INF create file path=demo/debugtalk.py
10:13PM INF ensure python3 venv packages=["funppy==v0.4.3"] python=/Users/debugtalk/.hrp/venv/bin/python
10:13PM INF python package is ready name=funppy version=0.4.3
10:13PM INF create scaffold success projectName=demo


$ tree demo -a
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── debugtalk.py
├── har
│   └── .keep
├── reports
│   └── .keep
└── testcases
    ├── demo_ref_testcase.yml
    ├── demo_requests.yml
    └── demo_with_funplugin.json

3 directories, 8 files

其中,testcases 文件夹中包含了多个示例测试用例。关于 HttpRunner 测试工程的目录结构说明,可查看用户指南的测试工程目录结构部分。

HttpRunner 创建脚手架项目时默认选择 Python 插件模式(兼容 v4 以前的版本),但同时还支持多种其它模式,可查看用户指南的脚手架创建项目部分了解更多详情。


接下来我们以 demo_requests.yml 为例,初步预览下 HttpRunner 的测试用例结构。

    name: "request methods testcase with functions"
        foo1: config_bar1
        foo2: config_bar2
        expect_foo1: config_bar1
        expect_foo2: config_bar2
    base_url: "https://postman-echo.com"
    verify: False
    export: ["foo3"]

    name: get with params
        foo1: bar11
        foo2: bar21
        sum_v: "${sum_two(1, 2)}"
        method: GET
        url: /get
            foo1: $foo1
            foo2: $foo2
            sum_v: $sum_v
            User-Agent: HttpRunner/${get_httprunner_version()}
        foo3: "body.args.foo2"
        - eq: ["status_code", 200]
        - eq: ["body.args.foo1", "bar11"]
        - eq: ["body.args.sum_v", "3"]
        - eq: ["body.args.foo2", "bar21"]
    name: post raw text
        foo1: "bar12"
        foo3: "bar32"
        method: POST
        url: /post
            User-Agent: HttpRunner/${get_httprunner_version()}
            Content-Type: "text/plain"
        data: "This is expected to be sent back as part of response body: $foo1-$foo2-$foo3."
        - eq: ["status_code", 200]
        - eq: ["body.data", "This is expected to be sent back as part of response body: bar12-$expect_foo2-bar32."]
    name: post form data
        foo2: bar23
        method: POST
        url: /post
            User-Agent: HttpRunner/${get_httprunner_version()}
            Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        data: "foo1=$foo1&foo2=$foo2&foo3=$foo3"
        - eq: ["status_code", 200]
        - eq: ["body.form.foo1", "$expect_foo1"]
        - eq: ["body.form.foo2", "bar23"]
        - eq: ["body.form.foo3", "bar21"]

HttpRunner 测试用例包括且仅有两部分:

  • config:测试用例的公共配置部分,包括用例名称、base_url、参数化数据源、是否开启 SSL 校验等
  • teststeps:有序步骤的集合;采用了 go interface 的设计理念,支持进行任意协议和测试类型的拓展(甚至包括 UI 自动化)

在上面的案例中,每个 step 都是一个 HTTP 请求;可以看到,描述信息仅包含了 HTTP 请求和结果校验的核心要素,没有任何累赘的内容。

同时,需要重点关注的是,虽然上面的用例是 YAML 文本,但同样支持引用变量和调用函数。

  • 变量引用:约定通过 ${}$ 的形式来引用变量,例如 $foo1${foo1}
  • 函数调用:约定通过 ${} 的形式来调用插件函数,例如 ${sum_two(1, 2)}

变量的申明定义在 step 或 config 的 variables 中,并且遵循优先级的要求。

函数的申明定义在项目根目录的 debugtalk.py 中,基于「约定大于配置」的设计理念,我们无需在测试用例中进行配置。

import funppy

def get_httprunner_version():
    return "v4.0.0-alpha"

def sum_two_int(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    funppy.register("get_httprunner_version", get_httprunner_version)
    funppy.register("sum_two", sum_two_int)

debugtalk.py 中,我们可以编写实现任意自定义逻辑的函数,只需通过 funppy 进行 registerserve() 即可。



测试用例就绪后,通过 hrp run 命令即可执行指定的测试用例;如需生成 HTML 测试报告,可附带 --gen-html-report 参数。

$ hrp run demo/testcases/demo_requests.yml demo/testcases/demo_ref_testcase.yml --gen-html-report


$ hrp run demo/testcases/demo_requests.yml demo/testcases/demo_ref_testcase.yml --gen-html-report
11:28PM INF Set log to color console other than JSON format.
11:28PM ??? Set log level
11:28PM INF [init] SetFailfast failfast=true
11:28PM INF [init] SetSaveTests saveTests=false
11:28PM INF [init] SetgenHTMLReport genHTMLReport=true
11:28PM INF [init] SetRequestsLogOn
11:28PM INF load file path=testcases/demo_requests.yml
11:28PM INF load testcases successfully count=1
11:28PM INF init session runner
11:28PM INF run testcase start testcase="request methods testcase with functions"
11:28PM INF init session runner
11:28PM INF python3 venv is ready funppyVersion=0.4.2 venvDir=/Users/debugtalk/.hrp/venv
11:28PM INF load hashicorp go plugin success path=/Users/debugtalk/MyProjects/HttpRunner-dev/httprunner.github.io/demo/debugtalk.py
11:28PM INF run step start step="get with params" type=request-GET
11:28PM INF function GetNames called on host side
11:28PM INF call function via gRPC funcArgs=[1,2] funcName=sum_two
11:28PM INF call function success arguments=[1,2] funcName=sum_two output=3
11:28PM INF function GetNames called on host side
11:28PM INF call function via gRPC funcArgs=[] funcName=get_httprunner_version
11:28PM INF call function success arguments=[] funcName=get_httprunner_version output=v4.0.0-alpha
-------------------- request --------------------
GET /get?foo1=bar11&foo2=bar21&sum_v=3 HTTP/1.1
Host: postman-echo.com
User-Agent: HttpRunner/v4.0.0-alpha

==================== response ===================
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 335
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2022 15:28:26 GMT
Etag: W/"14f-7Gzvv7hBEzQUyUYoNokC4etN280"
Set-Cookie: sails.sid=s%3ArupBebwxLVsoyG0nCfHMNjM-4u_aPEYs.tfgPzcR7kRyd2zuJqv7Vb%2FxlUJKFilYWoOtxXu7QsxA; Path=/; HttpOnly
Vary: Accept-Encoding

11:28PM INF extract value from=body.args.foo2 value=bar21
11:28PM INF set variable value=bar21 variable=foo3
11:28PM INF validate status_code assertMethod=eq checkExpr=status_code checkValue=200 expectValue=200 result=true
11:28PM INF validate body.args.foo1 assertMethod=eq checkExpr=body.args.foo1 checkValue=bar11 expectValue=bar11 result=true
11:28PM INF validate body.args.sum_v assertMethod=eq checkExpr=body.args.sum_v checkValue=3 expectValue=3 result=true
11:28PM INF validate body.args.foo2 assertMethod=eq checkExpr=body.args.foo2 checkValue=bar21 expectValue=bar21 result=true
11:28PM INF run step end exportVars={"foo3":"bar21"} step="get with params" success=true type=request
11:28PM INF run step start step="post raw text" type=request-POST
11:28PM INF call function via gRPC funcArgs=[] funcName=get_httprunner_version
11:28PM INF call function success arguments=[] funcName=get_httprunner_version output=v4.0.0-alpha
-------------------- request --------------------
POST /post HTTP/1.1
Host: postman-echo.com
Content-Type: text/plain
User-Agent: HttpRunner/v4.0.0-alpha

This is expected to be sent back as part of response body: bar12-config_bar2-bar32.
==================== response ===================
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 441
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2022 15:28:26 GMT
Etag: W/"1b9-biNClRDBTZ3yYGizMLRqBbpZaqc"
Set-Cookie: sails.sid=s%3AShiSgikIS1udNVe0IOdEVNf9rL_125st.D6%2Fw%2BIyKg5jeiOs6xwL8wsEht4tcO%2BpwXNqNWoFZQ3o; Path=/; HttpOnly
Vary: Accept-Encoding

{"args":{},"data":"This is expected to be sent back as part of response body: bar12-config_bar2-bar32.","files":{},"form":{},"headers":{"x-forwarded-proto":"https","x-forwarded-port":"443","host":"postman-echo.com","x-amzn-trace-id":"Root=1-6252f79a-75965ac66ae0074d0f1df200","content-length":"83","user-agent":"HttpRunner/v4.0.0-alpha","content-type":"text/plain","accept-encoding":"gzip"},"json":null,"url":"https://postman-echo.com/post"}
11:28PM INF validate status_code assertMethod=eq checkExpr=status_code checkValue=200 expectValue=200 result=true
11:28PM INF validate body.data assertMethod=eq checkExpr=body.data checkValue="This is expected to be sent back as part of response body: bar12-config_bar2-bar32." expectValue="This is expected to be sent back as part of response body: bar12-config_bar2-bar32." result=true
11:28PM INF run step end exportVars=null step="post raw text" success=true type=request
11:28PM INF run step start step="post form data" type=request-POST
11:28PM INF call function via gRPC funcArgs=[] funcName=get_httprunner_version
11:28PM INF call function success arguments=[] funcName=get_httprunner_version output=v4.0.0-alpha
-------------------- request --------------------
POST /post HTTP/1.1
Host: postman-echo.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: HttpRunner/v4.0.0-alpha

==================== response ===================
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 479
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2022 15:28:27 GMT
Etag: W/"1df-+YTOdiT8pYPlN+1k+z3s4LiSJJw"
Set-Cookie: sails.sid=s%3A5E7k9yIyZQq2qk-So2GS_h2eCMGeosyg.rmNVhBKq49FZm%2BXaH33KdzEqlPwwveKMO5rxh2%2F%2FvFo; Path=/; HttpOnly
Vary: Accept-Encoding

11:28PM INF validate status_code assertMethod=eq checkExpr=status_code checkValue=200 expectValue=200 result=true
11:28PM INF validate body.form.foo1 assertMethod=eq checkExpr=body.form.foo1 checkValue=config_bar1 expectValue=config_bar1 result=true
11:28PM INF validate body.form.foo2 assertMethod=eq checkExpr=body.form.foo2 checkValue=bar23 expectValue=bar23 result=true
11:28PM INF validate body.form.foo3 assertMethod=eq checkExpr=body.form.foo3 checkValue=bar21 expectValue=bar21 result=true
11:28PM INF run step end exportVars=null step="post form data" success=true type=request
11:28PM INF run testcase end testcase="request methods testcase with functions"
11:28PM INF create folder path=reports
11:28PM INF generate HTML report path=reports/report-1650809917.html
11:28PM INF quit hashicorp plugin process

测试生成的 HTML 报告如下所示。

HttpRunner html report

在 HTML 测试报告中,可以点击查看到详细的请求内容和响应结果,详见 demo-html-report


针对已有的接口测试用例,HttpRunner 无需任何额外的工作,即可通过 hrp boom 命令运行性能测试;通过 --spawn-count 参数可指定并发用户数,通过 --spawn-rate 可指定起始发压斜率。

$ hrp boom testcases/demo_requests.yml --spawn-count 100 --spawn-rate 10

在压测运行过程中,每隔 3 秒打印一次性能汇总数据;通过 CTRL + C 终止测试后,会打印整个压测过程的汇总数据(Statistics Summary)。


$ cd demo/
$ hrp boom testcases/demo_requests.yml --spawn-count 100 --spawn-rate 10
10:19PM INF Set log to color console other than JSON format.
10:19PM INF get current ulimit limit=1048575
10:19PM ??? Set log level
Current time: 2022/04/24 22:19:40, Users: 29, State: spawning, Total RPS: 5.0, Total Average Response Time: 1868.9ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 0 Passed, 0 Failed
| request-GET | get with params |         15 |       0 |   1800 | 1868.93 | 1278 | 2778 |          334 |       5.00 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:19:43, Users: 59, State: spawning, Total RPS: 18.8, Total Average Response Time: 1068.4ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 21 Passed, 0 Failed
|     TYPE     |      NAME       | # REQUESTS | # FAILS | MEDIAN | AVERAGE | MIN  | MAX  | CONTENT SIZE | # REQS/SEC | # FAILS/SEC |
| request-GET  | get with params |         37 |       0 |    890 |  943.57 |  511 | 2283 |          334 |      12.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |         40 |       0 |    890 |  979.08 |  510 | 2225 |          440 |      13.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post form data  |         21 |       0 |    830 |  886.43 |  486 | 1439 |          478 |       7.00 |        0.00 |
| transaction  | Action          |         21 |       0 |   3500 | 3613.71 | 2346 | 5448 |            0 |       7.00 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:19:46, Users: 89, State: spawning, Total RPS: 36.8, Total Average Response Time: 1036.6ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 79 Passed, 0 Failed
|     TYPE     |      NAME       | # REQUESTS | # FAILS | MEDIAN | AVERAGE | MIN  | MAX  | CONTENT SIZE | # REQS/SEC | # FAILS/SEC |
| request-GET  | get with params |         90 |       0 |    770 | 1036.70 |  385 | 2643 |          334 |      30.00 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post form data  |         58 |       0 |    760 | 1052.45 |  386 | 2867 |          478 |      19.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |         70 |       0 |    730 |  972.26 |  334 | 2454 |          440 |      23.33 |        0.00 |
| transaction  | Action          |         58 |       0 |   3100 | 3175.78 | 1798 | 5490 |            0 |      19.33 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:19:49, Users: 100, State: running, Total RPS: 49.3, Total Average Response Time: 989.6ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 167 Passed, 0 Failed
|     TYPE     |      NAME       | # REQUESTS | # FAILS | MEDIAN | AVERAGE | MIN  | MAX  | CONTENT SIZE | # REQS/SEC | # FAILS/SEC |
| request-GET  | get with params |         91 |       0 |    700 |  940.93 |  385 | 4030 |          334 |      30.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |         82 |       0 |    790 |  959.46 |  348 | 2990 |          440 |      27.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post form data  |         88 |       0 |    680 |  891.30 |  359 | 2826 |          478 |      29.33 |        0.00 |
| transaction  | Action          |         88 |       0 |   2900 | 3092.40 | 1494 | 6534 |            0 |      29.33 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:19:52, Users: 100, State: running, Total RPS: 66.5, Total Average Response Time: 862.9ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 300 Passed, 0 Failed
|     TYPE     |      NAME       | # REQUESTS | # FAILS | MEDIAN | AVERAGE | MIN  | MAX  | CONTENT SIZE | # REQS/SEC | # FAILS/SEC |
| request-GET  | get with params |        130 |       0 |    570 |  632.65 |  336 | 2651 |          334 |      43.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |        143 |       0 |    540 |  692.20 |  288 | 5288 |          440 |      47.67 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post form data  |        133 |       0 |    560 |  707.69 |  289 | 5225 |          478 |      44.33 |        0.00 |
| transaction  | Action          |        133 |       0 |   1800 | 2364.09 | 1287 | 6991 |            0 |      44.33 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:19:55, Users: 100, State: running, Total RPS: 79.6, Total Average Response Time: 805.1ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 445 Passed, 0 Failed
| request-GET  | get with params |        143 |       0 |    560 |  743.29 | 284 | 3582 |          334 |      47.67 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |        147 |       0 |    430 |  635.65 | 294 | 4109 |          440 |      49.00 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post form data  |        145 |       0 |    480 |  639.61 | 287 | 2945 |          478 |      48.33 |        0.00 |
| transaction  | Action          |        145 |       0 |   2100 | 2214.16 | 997 | 7045 |            0 |      48.33 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:19:58, Users: 100, State: running, Total RPS: 85.4, Total Average Response Time: 781.9ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 566 Passed, 0 Failed
|     TYPE     |      NAME       | # REQUESTS | # FAILS | MEDIAN | AVERAGE | MIN  | MAX  | CONTENT SIZE | # REQS/SEC | # FAILS/SEC |
| request-GET  | get with params |        122 |       0 |    690 |  821.39 |  289 | 2697 |          334 |      40.67 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |        118 |       0 |    440 |  570.67 |  284 | 1886 |          440 |      39.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post form data  |        121 |       0 |    570 |  674.20 |  281 | 1956 |          478 |      40.33 |        0.00 |
| transaction  | Action          |        121 |       0 |   1900 | 2184.42 | 1085 | 5591 |            0 |      40.33 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:20:01, Users: 100, State: running, Total RPS: 89.8, Total Average Response Time: 772.1ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 686 Passed, 0 Failed
| request-GET  | get with params |        121 |       0 |    450 |  692.89 | 277 | 4343 |          334 |      40.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |        120 |       0 |    450 |  766.39 | 289 | 2768 |          440 |      40.00 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post form data  |        120 |       0 |    390 |  710.49 | 281 | 2358 |          478 |      40.00 |        0.00 |
| transaction  | Action          |        120 |       0 |   2300 | 2387.42 | 944 | 6530 |            0 |      40.00 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:20:04, Users: 100, State: running, Total RPS: 92.2, Total Average Response Time: 771.1ms, Total Fail Ratio: 0.0%
Accumulated Transactions: 794 Passed, 0 Failed
|     TYPE     |      NAME       | # REQUESTS | # FAILS | MEDIAN | AVERAGE | MIN  | MAX  | CONTENT SIZE | # REQS/SEC | # FAILS/SEC |
| request-GET  | get with params |        117 |       0 |    420 |  820.98 |  288 | 9068 |          334 |      39.00 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |        109 |       0 |    420 |  696.28 |  285 | 3644 |          440 |      36.33 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post form data  |        108 |       0 |    420 |  773.34 |  277 | 4349 |          478 |      36.00 |        0.00 |
| transaction  | Action          |        108 |       0 |   1700 | 2283.30 | 1023 | 5632 |            0 |      36.00 |        0.00 |

Current time: 2022/04/24 22:20:07, Users: 100, State: quitting, Total RPS: 92.9, Total Average Response Time: 772.6ms, Total Fail Ratio: 1.9%
Accumulated Transactions: 882 Passed, 54 Failed
|     TYPE     |      NAME       | # REQUESTS | # FAILS | MEDIAN | AVERAGE | MIN |  MAX  | CONTENT SIZE | # REQS/SEC | # FAILS/SEC |
| request-GET  | get with params |         75 |       0 |    410 |  967.80 | 268 |  7825 |          334 |      25.00 |        0.00 |
| request-POST | post raw text   |        110 |      28 |    360 |  682.74 | 410 |  4683 |          328 |      36.67 |        9.33 |
| request-POST | post form data  |        114 |      26 |    360 |  764.04 | 437 |  8487 |          368 |      38.00 |        8.67 |
| transaction  | Action          |        142 |      54 |   2100 | 2593.81 | 317 | 11008 |            0 |      47.33 |       18.00 |

=========================================== Statistics Summary ==========================================
Current time: 2022/04/24 22:20:07, Users: 100, Duration: 30s, Accumulated Transactions: 882 Passed, 54 Failed
| Total |       2788 |      54 |    590 |  772.65 | 437 | 9068 |          407 |      92.93 |        1.80 |


通过上述演示,相信大家已经对 HttpRunner 有了一个初步的印象,并且应该可以初步将 HttpRunner 上手跑起来了。

限于篇幅,本文仅展示了 HttpRunner 最基础的功能,大家可以通过进一步阅读用户指南探索 HttpRunner 的全部功能特性。

共收到 20 条回复 时间 点赞


2楼 已删除

@debugtalk 请教下

--spawn-rate 可指定起始发压斜率

这个 起始发压斜率是啥意思😂




有时间能出一个 grpc/rpc 相关协议的接口测试文档吗

潘潘 回复

gRPC 还没实现,当前是支持了 HTTP/HTTP2/WebSocket,近期会出 HTTP2/WebSocket 的文档



木十八 回复


有大佬运行下面时报错吗?google 都查不到这种问题

$ hrp run demo/testcases/demo_requests.yml demo/testcases/demo_ref_testcase.yml


:41PM ERR init plugin failed: ~/demo/debugtalk.py error="ensure python venv failed: pip install funppy==v0.4.3 failed: pip install package failed: exit status 1"
4:41PM ERR [Run] init session runner failed error="init plugin failed: ensure python venv failed: pip install funppy==v0.4.3 failed: pip install package failed: exit status 1"


> dpkg -l|grep python3-venv 
ii  python3-venv                                                     3.6.7-1~18.04                                   amd64        pyvenv-3 binary for python3 (default python3 version)

> pip list | grep funppy
funppy                         0.4.3
ligk 回复

看报错是你的 funppy 依赖没有安装成功,你试下直接安装可以成功么?

pip install funppy

debugtalk 回复

你看我最后一行,我下面已经 pip install funppy 安装上了,很奇怪,我用 Pycharm 打开看下脚本 debugtalk.py,好像 import funppy 用不了的样子,明明模块已经安装上了的😂

ligk 回复

大佬请问你这个问题有解决吗 我运行的时候也遇到了这样的问题😂 😂 😂

Baguette 回复

@ligk @Baguette 在 hrp 中会创建一个虚拟环境,~/.hrp/venv/,funppy 等依赖会安装在这个虚拟环境中。

因此如果你们直接运行 pip 安装的时候,可能会安装到系统的 packages 中;正确的做法是先激活 ~/.hrp/venv/,再在这个虚拟环境中安装。


ltt 回复

在使用 hrp boom 执行性能测试的时候,结束测试后会在终端打印这些信息。
另外这些数据都会上报到 Prometheus,配置 Grafana 后可以看到可视化看板,之前有发过相关文章,你可以参考下

有时无法通过verify: False跳过

cert_key = (xx.crt,xx.key)
res = requests.get(url=api_url,params=p,cert=cert_key)
20楼 已删除

请问 v4 还可以使用 pip install 的方式使用 hr 吗? 现在能安装上,但不能通过脚手架工具生成项目结构了,请回复一下。

咨询一下,我 yml 配置的请求路径最后没有"/",为什么执行时会自动拼接一个?

需要 登录 后方可回复, 如果你还没有账号请点击这里 注册