在 testerhome 的两位大神推荐下,阅读并翻译了 12 Best Mobile App Testing Frameworks 这篇文章,了解了这 12 个框架。但里面介绍得实在少(基本都在 5 句话内),所以自己动手,通过框架官网介绍和示例代码比较来了解一下各个框架。
20150422 update: 增加总结部分
Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver protocol.
Android,iOS 的原生应用、混合应用、web 应用的 UI 自动化
由于 Appium 支持多种语言,此处仅以 python 为例:
import os
from time import sleep
import unittest
from appium import webdriver
# Returns abs path relative to this file and not cwd
PATH = lambda p: os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), p)
class SimpleAndroidTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
desired_caps = {}
desired_caps['platformName'] = 'Android'
desired_caps['platformVersion'] = '4.2'
desired_caps['deviceName'] = 'Android Emulator'
desired_caps['app'] = PATH(
self.driver = webdriver.Remote('http://localhost:4723/wd/hub', desired_caps)
def tearDown(self):
# end the session
def test_find_elements(self):
el = self.driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('Graphics')
el = self.driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('Arcs')
el = self.driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id("App")
els = self.driver.find_elements_by_android_uiautomator("new UiSelector().clickable(true)")
self.assertGreaterEqual(12, len(els))
self.driver.find_element_by_android_uiautomator('text("API Demos")')
def test_simple_actions(self):
el = self.driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('Graphics')
el = self.driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('Arcs')
self.driver.find_element_by_android_uiautomator('new UiSelector().text("Graphics/Arcs")')
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SimpleAndroidTests)
iOS Requirements
Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, 10.9.2 recommended
XCode >= 4.6.3, 5.1.1 recommended
Apple Developer Tools (iPhone simulator SDK, command line tools)
Ensure you read our documentation on setting yourself up for iOS testing!
Android Requirements
Android SDK API >= 17 (Additional features require 18/19)
Appium supports Android on OS X, Linux and Windows. Make sure you follow the directions for setting up your environment properly for testing on different OSes:
FirefoxOS Requirements
Firefox OS Simulator
The Mobile Testing Framework (MTF) is an alpha-state open source project to automate GUI/System tests for iPhone/iPad applications. MTF is based on the automation tool Sikuli which allows to interact with the User interface with python scripts and screenshots.(简而言之,把 sikuli 这种基于图像识别的测试框架引入到移动端)
iOS 的 GUI 及系统自动化测试
目前仅支持 python,且需要 Configuration Files 配合编写:
class Testsuite_001_Login(MobileTestCase):
# setUpClass is called before the test suite (optional)
# @classmethod
# def setUpClass(cls):
# print "Setup Testsuite"
# tearDownClass is called after the test suite (optional)
# @classmethod
# def tearDownClass(cls):
# print "Cleanup Testsuite"
# setUp is called before each test case (required!)
def setUp(self):
print "Test setup starts"
startTest(self) #required by the framework
startSimulator(self) #launches the simulator with the target app
# tearDown is called after each test case (required!)
def tearDown(self):
print "Test cleanup done"
cfg file:
We assume you have Mac OS X Lion (either in a virtual machine or natively) installed. However, it should be similar for other versions of Mac OS X.
We assume you have XCode 4.3.3 (which comes with iOS 5.0 SDK) with the following installed (Check in XCode / Preferences / Downloads):
iOS Simulator 4.3 and 5.0 (and any other version in which you want to test your app) installed
Command Line Tools installed
We assume that you have installed macports ( http://www.macports.org/install.php )
除此之外,还需要另外装:Sikuli, ios-sim, GNU getopt 并配置 Dtrace settings
Calabash is an Automated UI Acceptance Testing framework that allows you to write and execute tests that validate the functionality of iOS and Android Apps.
使用 Gherkin 和 cucumber:
Feature: Credit card validation.
Credit card numbers must be exactly 16 digits.
Scenario: Credit card number is too short
Given I use the native keyboard to enter "123456" into text field number 1
And I touch the "Validate" button
Then I see the text "Credit card number is too short."
KIF, which stands for Keep It Functional, is an iOS integration test framework. It allows for easy automation of iOS apps by leveraging the accessibility attributes that the OS makes available for those with visual disabilities.
iOS 功能/集成测试
object-c, KIF 支持 object-c 和 swift:
#import <KIF/KIF.h>
@interface KIFUITestActor (EXAdditions)
- (void)navigateToLoginPage;
- (void)returnToLoggedOutHomeScreen;
#import "LoginTests.h"
#import "KIFUITestActor+EXAdditions.h"
@implementation LoginTests
- (void)beforeEach
[tester navigateToLoginPage];
- (void)afterEach
[tester returnToLoggedOutHomeScreen];
- (void)testSuccessfulLogin
[tester enterText:@"user@example.com" intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Login User Name"];
[tester enterText:@"thisismypassword" intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Login Password"];
[tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Log In"];
// Verify that the login succeeded
[tester waitForTappableViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Welcome"];
Xcode,iOS 应用源码(项目文件,因为需要在项目文件内增加 target )
titanium-jasmine provides testing for Appcelerator’s Titanium Mobile applications using Pivotal’s Jasmine as the core testing framework.
Titanium Mobile 应用的自动化测试(本质上是增加一个测试模块到应用的 javascript 中执行测试)
describe("titanium-jasmine", function() {
it("should help you develop titanium applications", function() {
Titanium Mobile SDK
Frank allows you to write structured text test/acceptance tests/requirements (using Cucumber) and have them execute against your iOS application.
iOS 应用验收/需求验证测试
由于使用了 Cucumber,所以写法和 calabash 差不多:
Feature: Login to the app
Scenario: Successful login
Given I launch the app
When I log in with a valid userid and password
Then I am on the start view
iOS App:
Ruby, gem, Turn on Accessibility in OS X
Mac App:
Frank can be used to test 64-bit Mac apps on OS X 10.7 and 10.8. Due to the NDA covering the pre-release builds of 10.9, testing on 10.9 is not currently supported. If you need to run tests on 10.9 before the official release, see this thread.
The testing machine must have access for assistive devices turned on, as described in Getting Started.
Switchboard is a simple way to remote control your mobile application even after you shipped it to your users' devices. Use switchboard to
Switchboard lets you control what happens in your app. Quick, easy, useful.
Switchboard segments your users consistently. Because user segmentation is based only on UUID that is computed once, the experience you switch on and off using Switchboard is consistent across sessions.
Android 及 iOS 应用的 A/B 测试(即某个功能通过此框架可控制只提供给某些用户,通过对比使用此功能/不使用此功能的用户的状态,了解用户对此功能的满意度)
分为 Client (嵌入到应用中) 和 server
Android Client:
Context myContext = this.getApplicationContext();
String experimentName = "showSmiley";
//get settings from Switchboard
boolean isSmiling = Switchboard.isInExperiment(myContext, experimentName);
//Switching code for testing
if (isSmiling) //variant A
else //variant B
iOS Client:https://github.com/KeepSafe/Switchboard/tree/master/client/ios/SwitchboardSample/SwitchboardSample
// php
$manager = new SwitchboardManager($_GET);
//put 50% of your users into the showSmiley A/B test
$resultArray['showSmiley'] = $manager->turnOnBucket(0, 50);
//return result array as JSON
Android & iOS Client:加入 switchboard 依赖包,增加控制功能是否显示的代码
Server:安装 PHP
Easily create and manage A/B tests for iOS apps
iOS A/B 测试
原谅我在 官方网站 和官方博客 都没找到任何安装、使用文档,仅仅找到一个介绍视频(看起来是一个引导型的 web 页面,一步一步走就能把 fliptest 加到应用中),因此无法附上示例代码。
We're not quite ready to show FlipTest to the world yet, but please sign up if you would like to get notified when we get there!
按照它的介绍,有 iOS 开发环境就足够了。
A MVVM framework that integrates with the Reactive Extensions for .NET to create elegant, testable User Interfaces that run on any mobile or desktop platform. Supports Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac, WPF, Windows Forms, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store apps.
.NET 的 MVVM 框架(这是开发框架,不是用来测试的,同类的框架我知道的有 AngularJS。出现在文章中的原因应该是它有良好的可测性 )。支持移动平台的 Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows Phone 8 及桌面平台 Xamarin.Mac, WPF, Windows Forms, Windows Store apps
应该是 C# ,不是很确定。。。
public class ColorChooserThatDoesntLikeGreen : ReactiveObject
// Declaring a read/write property
byte _Red;
public byte Red {
get { return _Red; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(value); }
byte _Green;
public byte Green {
get { return _Green; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(value); }
byte _Blue;
public byte Blue {
get { return _Blue; }
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(value); }
// Declaring a Property that's based on an Observable
ObservableAsPropertyHelper<Color> _Color;
public Color Color {
get { return _Color.Value; }
ReactiveCommand OkButton { get; protected set; }
public ColorChooserThatDoesntLikeGreen()
var finalColor = this.WhenAny(x => x.Red, x => x.Green, x => x.Blue,
(r,g,b) => Color.FromRGB(r.Value, g.Value, b.Value));
finalColor.ToProperty(this, x => x.Color, out _Color);
// When the finalColor has full green, the Ok button is disabled
OkButton = new ReactiveCommand(finalColor.Select(x => x.Green != 255));
.Net 开发环境
CATJS is an automation framework for web & mobile-web applications testing supports iOS, Android and any HTML5 Browser.
web / 手机端 web 应用自动化测试 (实质上是一个 JS 测试框架)
在官网的 Examples 里面。其中从@[scrap
到 ]@
@@name simpleSetText
@@embed true
@@jqm setText("textInput", "hello world");
@@assert ok($('#textInput').val()=='hello world','textInput text == hello world')
<label for="textInput">Text input:</label>
<input type="text" name="textInput" id="textInput" value="">
直接运行在网页 JS 中,不需要额外的配置
YSO Mobile Security Framework is an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS) automated pen-testing framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis.
We've been depending on multiple tools to carry out reversing, decoding, debugging, code review, and pen-test and this process requires a lot of effort and time.
YSO Mobile Security Framework can be used for effective and fast security analysis of Android APK/Android app source code/iOS app source code.
多合一的 Android/iOS 手机应用渗透测试框架
Imagrium is a Jython framework for cross-platform testing of mobile applications basing on the image recognition method (Android and iOS application test automation software).
基于图像识别进行 Android/iOS UI 自动化测试
分为两部分: Pages 和 Tests
authPage = AuthPage.load(AppLauncher.box, self.settings)
fbAuthPage = authPage.signUpFb()
fbAuthPage.fillEmail(self.settings.get("Facebook", "email"))
fbAuthPage.fillPassword(self.settings.get("Facebook", "password"))
fbConfirmPage = fbAuthPage.login()
LobbyPage = fbConfirmPage.confirm()
class FbAuthPage(Page):
email = ResourceLoader([Resource.fbEmailFieldiOS, Resource.fbEmailFieldiOS_ru])
password = ResourceLoader([Resource.fbPasswordFieldiOS, Resource.fbPasswordFieldiOS_ru])
actionLogin = ResourceLoader([Resource.fbLoginBtniOS, Resource.fbLoginBtniOS_ru])
def __init__(self, box, settings):
super(FbAuthPage, self).__init__(box, settings)
self.email = self.box
self.password = self.box
self.actionLogin = self.box
self.settings = settings
self.checkIfLoaded(['email', 'password'])
def fillEmail(self, text):
(1) Clone the git repo to the directory of your liking (versions for Win x64 and MacOS are available in the win and ios branches respectively).
(2) Install JDK 1.7.0_55+. The JAVA_HOME environment varialbe should be correctly set.
(3) (win) If you wish to use Imagrium for Windows, make sure the following software is installed and configured:
Install VirtualBox 4.2+.
Include the bin directory of VirtualBox in your PATH environment variable (otherwise, the vboxmanage
utility will not be found).
Install Genymotion 2.2+.
Include the genymotion in your PATH environemnt variable (we need this to run the player
Install Android SDK.
Include the platform-tools directory in your PATH environemnt variable (we need this to use the adb
Install Tesseract OCR.
Install Apache Ant.
(3) (mac) If you wish to use Imagrium for MacOS, make sure the following software is installed and configured:
ios-sim. Use npm, brew, or other ways to install it (visit the project and read the related docs). We use this utility to launch apps in the simulator.
We use the Apple Script snippets to reset and rotate the Simulator, so copy the reset
and rotateScreen
scripts from the scripts
directory in the repo root to the place where you can execute them.
Ensure the user who launches the test run has a permission to execute these scripts (if this is your current user, run chmod +x reset rotateScreen
IMPORTANT! Run reset
and rotateScreen
directly from Terminal beforehand to make sure that the system allows GUI manipulations from console. Run these scripts under the user who will later run tests. Accept the pop-ups asking the permission to manipulate the system through the Terminal app.
框架名称 | 框架使用领域 | 测试脚本编写语言 | 环境配置 | 支持平台 |
Appium | Android,iOS 的原生应用、混合应用、web 应用的 UI 自动化 | Java, Objective-C, JavaScript with Node.js (in promise, callback or generator flavors), PHP, Python, Ruby, C#, Clojure, Perl | iOS: Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, XCode >= 4.6.3, Apple Developer Tools; Android: Android SDK API >= 17; FirefoxOS: Firefox OS Simulator | Android, iOS |
Mobile Testing Framework | iOS 的 GUI 及系统自动化测试 | python | MAC OS X, XCode 4.3.3(iOS Simulator 4.3 and 5.0, Command Line Tools), macports, Sikuli, ios-sim, GNU getopt | iOS |
Calabash | 手机原生/混合应用验收测试 | Gherkin + Cucumber | Ruby 2.0 to 2.1.x, gems, Bundler, Xcode Command Line Tools(iOS) | Android, iOS |
KIF | iOS 功能/集成测试 | object-c 或 swift | Xcode | iOS |
Titanium Jasmine | Titanium Mobile 应用的自动化测试 | javascript | Titanium Mobile SDK(不确定,资料太少) | Android, iOS |
Testing with Frankk | iOS 应用验收/需求验证测试 | Gherkin + Cucumber | iOS: Ruby, gem, Turn on Accessibility in OS X; Mac: have access for assistive devices turned on | iOS, MAC OS X |
Switchboard | Android 及 iOS 应用的 A/B 测试 | Android: Java; iOS: object-c | Android & iOS Client:加入 switchboard 依赖包,增加控制功能是否显示的代码; Server:安装 PHP | Android, iOS |
Flip Test | iOS A/B 测试 | object-c (只需增加 1 行代码) | XCode | iOS |
ReactiveUI | .NET 的 MVVM 框架(开发用) | C#(不是很确定) | .Net 开发环境 | Android, iOS, windows phone, Windows, MAC OS X |
Catjs | web / 手机端 web 应用自动化测试 | javascript(但是用的语法比较特殊) | 浏览器 | 手机/桌面浏览器 |
YSO Mobile Security Framework | Android/iOS 手机应用渗透测试 | 无 | Python 2.7, JDK | Android, iOS |
Imagrium | 基于图像识别进行 Android/iOS UI 自动化测试 | python | JDK; windows 下:VirtualBox 4.2+, Genymotion 2.2+, Tesseract OCR, Apache Ant; Mac 下:ios-sim | Android, iOS |