AppCrawler iOS 平台 启动 app 之后没有再做其他操作,一直停留在启动页面

sini · 2018年03月26日 · 最后由 sini 回复于 2018年03月26日 · 2498 次阅读
  1. yml 文件根据 ios demo 文件配置,只修改了devicescapabilityiosCapability
  2. Appium v1.7.1
  3. 运行java -jar appcrawler-2.1.3.jar --app /Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/ -c ymlFile/example-01.yml --platform ios --output /Users/libin/appcrawler/runLog

WebDriverAgent 已启动起来,并且 app 也启动起来了,但是就是停留在启动页面


- "com.testerhome.appcrawler.plugin.TagLimitPlugin"
logLevel: "TRACE"
saveScreen: true
reportTitle: ""
screenshotTimeout: 20
currentDriver: "iOS"
tagLimitMax: 3
tagLimit: []
showCancel: false
maxTime: 10800
resultDir: "/Users/libin/appcrawler/runLog"
- platformName: "iOS"
  platformVersion: "10.3.2"
  deviceName: "autoTest"
  bundleId: "com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6"
  appium: ""
  autoLaunch: "true"
  noReset: "true"
  autoAcceptAlerts: "true"
  app: "/Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/"
  fullReset: "false"
  autoAcceptAlerts: "true"
  automationName: "XCuiTest"
  udid: "9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a"
  launchTimeout: "500000"
- "name"
- "label"
- "value"
- "resource-id"
- "content-desc"
- "index"
- "text"
defineUrl: []
baseUrl: []
appWhiteList: []
maxDepth: 6
headFirst: true
enterWebView: true
urlBlackList: []
urlWhiteList: []
defaultBackAction: []
backButton: []
firstList: []
- "//*[contains(name(), 'Text')]"
- "//*[contains(name(), 'Image')]"
- "//*[contains(name(), 'Button')]"
- "//*[contains(name(), 'CheckBox')]"
lastList: []
- ".*[0-9]{2}.*"
triggerActions: []
autoCrawl: true
  name: "TesterHome AppCrawler"
  steps: []
  name: "TesterHome AppCrawler"
  - given: null
    when: null
    then: null
    xpath: "//*"
    action: "driver.swipe(0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5)"
  - given: null
    when: null
    then: null
    xpath: "//*"
    action: "driver.swipe(0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5)"
  - given: null
    when: null
    then: null
    xpath: "//*"
    action: "driver.swipe(0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5)"
  - given: null
    when: null
    then: null
    xpath: "//*"
    action: "driver.swipe(0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5)"
beforeElementAction: []
afterElementAction: []
afterUrlFinished: []
monkeyEvents: []
monkeyRunTimeSeconds: 30

appium log

[Appium] Creating new XCUITestDriver (v2.72.0) session
[Appium] Capabilities:
[Appium]   app: '/Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/'
[Appium]   appium: ''
[Appium]   noReset: 'true'
[Appium]   autoLaunch: 'true'
[Appium]   bundleId: 'com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6'
[Appium]   automationName: 'XCuiTest'
[Appium]   udid: '9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a'
[Appium]   platformName: 'iOS'
[Appium]   launchTimeout: '500000'
[Appium]   fullReset: 'false'
[Appium]   deviceName: 'demo'
[Appium]   autoAcceptAlerts: 'true'
[debug] [BaseDriver] W3C capabilities [] and MJSONWP desired capabilities  were provided
[BaseDriver] Falling back to MJSONWP desired capabilities
[BaseDriver] Capability 'autoLaunch' changed from string to boolean. This may cause unexpected behavior
[BaseDriver] Capability 'noReset' changed from string to boolean. This may cause unexpected behavior
[BaseDriver] Capability 'fullReset' changed from string to boolean. This may cause unexpected behavior
[BaseDriver] Capability 'autoAcceptAlerts' changed from string to boolean. This may cause unexpected behavior
[BaseDriver] The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by appium: appium.
[XCUITest] The capabilities 'autoAcceptAlerts' and 'autoDismissAlerts' do not work for XCUITest-based tests. Please adjust your alert handling accordingly.
[BaseDriver] Session created with session id: 606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4
[debug] [XCUITest] Current user: 'libin'
[debug] [XCUITest] Xcode version set to '8.3.2' (tools v9.
[debug] [XCUITest] iOS SDK Version set to '10.3'
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1522035629634 (11:40:29 GMT+0800 (CST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Available devices: 9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a, 43f0189b8d810c398bf4cba0091b52ef9492cbc7, 65a950ec8f300d2ae667a8a674b279ddc2e31b0b, 4d15b10d63596d30abdcde5720f9f082c7f8c8ba
[debug] [XCUITest] Creating iDevice object with udid '9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a'
[XCUITest] Determining device to run tests on: udid: '9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a', real device: true
[BaseDriver] Using local app '/Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/'
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1522035629826 (11:40:29 GMT+0800 (CST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Checking whether app '/Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/' is actually present on file system
[debug] [XCUITest] App is present
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1522035629828 (11:40:29 GMT+0800 (CST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Reset: fullReset not set. Leaving as is
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1522035629828 (11:40:29 GMT+0800 (CST))
[debug] [iOSLog] Attempting iOS device log capture via libimobiledevice idevicesyslog
[debug] [iOSLog] Starting iOS device log capture with: 'idevicesyslog'
[debug] [XCUITest] Crash reports root '/Users/libin/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/autoTest' does not exist. Got nothing to gather.
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1522035630112 (11:40:30 GMT+0800 (CST))
[XCUITest] Setting up real device
[debug] [XCUITest] App 'com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6' is already installed. No need to reinstall.
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'appInstalled' logged at 1522035630283 (11:40:30 GMT+0800 (CST))
[XCUITest] Using WDA path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/_appium-xcuitest-driver@2.72.0@appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent'
[XCUITest] Using WDA agent: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/_appium-xcuitest-driver@2.72.0@appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj'
[debug] [XCUITest] No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions listening on port 8100 have been found
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [XCUITest] WDA is not listening at 'http://localhost:8100/'
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaStartAttempted' logged at 1522035630373 (11:40:30 GMT+0800 (CST))
[XCUITest] Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
[debug] [XCUITest] Carthage found: '/usr/local/bin/carthage'
[debug] [XCUITest] Killing running processes 'xcodebuild.*9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a, iproxy 8100' for the device 9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a...
[debug] [XCUITest] 'pgrep -nif xcodebuild.*9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
[debug] [XCUITest] 'pgrep -nif iproxy 8100' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
[debug] [XCUITest] Starting iproxy to forward traffic from local port 8100 to device port 8100 over USB
[XCUITest] Cannot parse major and minor version numbers from platformVersion "null". Will build for the default platform instead
[debug] [XCUITest] Beginning test with command 'xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/_appium-xcuitest-driver@2.72.0@appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a' in directory '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/_appium-xcuitest-driver@2.72.0@appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent'
[debug] [XCUITest] Output from xcodebuild will not be logged. To change this, use 'showXcodeLog' desired capability
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting up to 60000ms for WebDriverAgent to start
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [XCUITest] Log file for xcodebuild test: /Users/libin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-doeudkfwybcpvaenuijyoubouwmb/Logs/Test/61911EED-2BCF-4803-AFE6-EB09F13D46D0/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2018-03-26_114039-kBZk4q.log
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: "{\n  \"value\" : {\n    \"state\" : \"success\",\n    \"os\" : {\n      \"name\" : \"iOS\",\n      \"version\" : \"10.3.2\",\n      \"sdkVersion\" : \"10.3\"\n    },\n    \"ios\" : {\n      \"simulatorVersion\" : \"10.3.2\",\n      \"ip\" : \"\"\n    },\n    \"build\" : {\n      \"time\" : \"Mar 23 2018 16:18:02\"\n    }\n  },\n  \"sessionId\" : \"CCE7B57C-73A4-4E95-8193-F7C885A530CE\",\n  \"status\" : 0\n}"
[debug] [XCUITest] WebDriverAgent running on ip ''
[debug] [XCUITest] WebDriverAgent successfully started after 27110ms
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1522035662572 (11:41:02 GMT+0800 (CST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {"desiredCapabilities":{"bundleId":"com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6","arguments":[],"environment":{},"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":60,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}}
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"value":{"sessionId":"2F27C744-D9B6-4254-A73A-C023603A3DFC","capabilities":{"device":"ipad","browserName":"iPOS","sdkVersion":"10.3.2","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6"}},"sessionId":"2F27C744-D9B6-4254-A73A-C023603A3DFC","status":0}
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaSessionStarted' logged at 1522035666411 (11:41:06 GMT+0800 (CST))
[XCUITest] Enabled WDA attachments prevention by default to save the disk space. Set 'preventWDAAttachments' capability to false if this is an undesired behavior.
[XCUITest] Setting '555' permissions to '/Users/libin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-doeudkfwybcpvaenuijyoubouwmb/Logs/Test/Attachments' folder
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaPermsAdjusted' logged at 1522035666476 (11:41:06 GMT+0800 (CST))
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'wdaStarted' logged at 1522035666476 (11:41:06 GMT+0800 (CST))
[XCUITest] Skipping setting of the initial display orientation. Set the "orientation" capability to either "LANDSCAPE" or "PORTRAIT", if this is an undesired behavior.
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'orientationSet' logged at 1522035666477 (11:41:06 GMT+0800 (CST))
[Appium] New XCUITestDriver session created successfully, session 606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4 added to master session list
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'newSessionStarted' logged at 1522035666480 (11:41:06 GMT+0800 (CST))
[debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.createSession() result: {"capabilities":{"webStorageEnabled":false,"locationContextEnabled":false,"browserName":"","platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"networkConnectionEnabled":false,"app":"/Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/","appium":"","noReset":true,"autoLaunch":true,"bundleId":"com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6","automationName":"XCuiTest","udid":"9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a","platformName":"iOS","launchTimeout":"500000","fullReset":false,"deviceName":"demo","autoAcceptAlerts":true}}
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 200 37204 ms - 645
[HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/window/rect
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [W3C] Calling AppiumDriver.getWindowRect() with args: ["606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4"]
[debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'getWindowRect'
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /window/size] to [GET http://localhost:8100/session/2F27C744-D9B6-4254-A73A-C023603A3DFC/window/size] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: "{\n  \"value\" : {\n    \"width\" : 1024,\n    \"height\" : 768\n  },\n  \"sessionId\" : \"2F27C744-D9B6-4254-A73A-C023603A3DFC\",\n  \"status\" : 0\n}"
[debug] [W3C] Responding to client with driver.getWindowRect() result: {"width":1024,"height":768,"x":0,"y":0}
[HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/window/rect 200 686 ms - 49
[HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/timeouts
[HTTP] {"implicit":10000}
[debug] [W3C] Calling AppiumDriver.timeouts() with args: [{"protocol":"W3C","implicit":10000},"606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4"]
[debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'timeouts'
[debug] [BaseDriver] script: undefined, pageLoad: undefined, implicit: 10000
[debug] [BaseDriver] Set implicit wait to 10000ms
[debug] [W3C] Responding to client with driver.timeouts() result: null
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/timeouts 200 7 ms - 14
[HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/window/rect
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [W3C] Calling AppiumDriver.getWindowRect() with args: ["606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4"]
[debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'getWindowRect'
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /window/size] to [GET http://localhost:8100/session/2F27C744-D9B6-4254-A73A-C023603A3DFC/window/size] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: "{\n  \"value\" : {\n    \"width\" : 1024,\n    \"height\" : 768\n  },\n  \"sessionId\" : \"2F27C744-D9B6-4254-A73A-C023603A3DFC\",\n  \"status\" : 0\n}"
[debug] [W3C] Responding to client with driver.getWindowRect() result: {"width":1024,"height":768,"x":0,"y":0}
[HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/window/rect 200 713 ms - 49
[HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/execute/sync
[HTTP] {"script":"var source = document.documentElement.outerHTML; \nif (!source) { source = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document); }\nreturn source;","args":[]}
[debug] [W3C] Calling AppiumDriver.execute() with args: ["var source = document.documentElement.outerHTML; \nif (!source) { source = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document); }\nreturn source;",[],"606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4"]
[debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'execute'
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/execute/sync 400 9 ms - 2809
[HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/execute/sync
[HTTP] {"script":"var source = document.documentElement.outerHTML; \nif (!source) { source = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document); }\nreturn source;","args":[]}
[debug] [W3C] Calling AppiumDriver.execute() with args: ["var source = document.documentElement.outerHTML; \nif (!source) { source = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document); }\nreturn source;",[],"606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4"]
[debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'execute'
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/execute/sync 400 3 ms - 2809
[HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/execute/sync
[HTTP] {"script":"var source = document.documentElement.outerHTML; \nif (!source) { source = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document); }\nreturn source;","args":[]}
[debug] [W3C] Calling AppiumDriver.execute() with args: ["var source = document.documentElement.outerHTML; \nif (!source) { source = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document); }\nreturn source;",[],"606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4"]
[debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'execute'
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4/execute/sync 400 7 ms - 2809
[debug] [XCUITest] Connection to WDA timed out
[debug] [iProxy] recv failed: Operation not permitted

appcrawler log

java -jar appcrawler-2.1.3.jar --app /Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/ -c ymlFile/example-01.yml --platform ios --output /Users/libin/appcrawler/runLog
2018-03-26 11:40:25 INFO [DataRecord.append.13] append 1
2018-03-26 11:40:25 INFO [AppCrawler$.main.87]
AppCrawler 2.1.3 [霍格沃兹测试学院特别纪念版]
Appium 1.7.1 Java8 support
app爬虫, 用于自动遍历测试. 支持Android和iOS, 支持真机和模拟器
联络作者: (思寒)
致谢: 晓光 泉龙 杨榕 恒温 mikezhou yaming116 沐木
感谢如下公司提供商业支持: Keep

2018-03-26 11:40:25 INFO [AppCrawler$.parseParams.200] Find Conf /Users/libin/appcrawler/ymlFile/example-01.yml
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [AppCrawler$.parseParams.219] Set Platform=iOS
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [AppCrawler$.parseParams.234] app path = /Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [AppCrawler$.parseParams.248] use appium in the config file
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [AppCrawler$.parseParams.252] appium address = Some(
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [AppCrawler$.parseParams.264] result directory = /Users/libin/appcrawler/runLog
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [DataRecord.initLog.30] alread exist
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [DataRecord.append.13] append 1
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [Crawler.start.126] set xpath attribute with List(name, label, value, resource-id, content-desc, index, text)
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [Crawler.start.129] set xpath
2018-03-26 11:40:26 INFO [Crawler.loadPlugins.82] dynamic load plugin in /Users/libin/appcrawler/plugins/
2018-03-26 11:40:28 WARN [Runtimes$.loadPlugins.83] no /Users/libin/appcrawler/plugins/ directory, skip
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [Crawler.loadPlugins.84] found dynamic plugins size 0
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [Crawler.$anonfun$loadPlugins$5.86] com.testerhome.appcrawler.plugin.TagLimitPlugin@5e230fc6
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [Crawler.$anonfun$loadPlugins$5.86] com.testerhome.appcrawler.plugin.ReportPlugin@17043b04
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [Crawler.$anonfun$loadPlugins$5.86] com.testerhome.appcrawler.plugin.FreeMind@31f295b6
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [TagLimitPlugin.init.17] com.testerhome.appcrawler.plugin.TagLimitPlugin init
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [ReportPlugin.init.17] com.testerhome.appcrawler.plugin.ReportPlugin init
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [FreeMind.init.17] com.testerhome.appcrawler.plugin.FreeMind init
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [ReportPlugin.start.21] reportPath=/Users/libin/appcrawler/runLog
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [Crawler.start.132] prepare setup Appium
2018-03-26 11:40:28 INFO [Crawler.setupAppium.262] use AppiumClient
三月 26, 2018 11:41:06 上午 org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession
信息: Detected dialect: W3C
2018-03-26 11:41:06 INFO [AppiumClient.setPlatformName.43] set platform ios
2018-03-26 11:41:07 INFO [AppiumClient.getDeviceInfo.217] screenWidth=1024 screenHeight=768
2018-03-26 11:41:07 INFO [AppiumClient.appium.171] capture dir = /Users/libin/appcrawler/.
2018-03-26 11:41:07 INFO [Crawler.start.139] platformName=iOS driver=com.testerhome.appcrawler.driver.AppiumClient@cc9ef8d
2018-03-26 11:41:07 INFO [Crawler.start.140]
AppCrawler 2.1.3 [霍格沃兹测试学院特别纪念版]
Appium 1.7.1 Java8 support
app爬虫, 用于自动遍历测试. 支持Android和iOS, 支持真机和模拟器
联络作者: (思寒)
致谢: 晓光 泉龙 杨榕 恒温 mikezhou yaming116 沐木
感谢如下公司提供商业支持: Keep

2018-03-26 11:41:07 INFO [Crawler.start.141] waiting for app load
2018-03-26 11:41:15 INFO [Crawler.start.143] driver=null
2018-03-26 11:41:15 INFO [Crawler.start.144] get screen info
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [AppiumClient.getDeviceInfo.217] screenWidth=1024 screenHeight=768
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.refreshPage.554] refresh page
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [AppiumClient.getPageSource.308] start to get page source from appium
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.153] exception
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.154] org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Method is not implemented
Build info: version: 'unknown', revision: 'unknown', time: 'unknown'
System info: host: 'binlis-Mac-mini.local', ip: 'fe80:0:0:0:469:4ee6:11c0:1dab%en0', 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.12.6', java.version: '1.8.0_77'
Driver info: io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Capabilities [{app=/Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/, networkConnectionEnabled=false, appium=, noReset=true, bundleId=com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6, databaseEnabled=false, launchTimeout=500000, fullReset=false, deviceName=demo, platform=MAC, autoLaunch=true, webStorageEnabled=false, locationContextEnabled=false, automationName=XCuiTest, browserName=, takesScreenshot=true, javascriptEnabled=true, udid=9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a, platformName=MAC, autoAcceptAlerts=true}]
Session ID: 606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.155]
2018-03-26 11:41:16 WARN [AppiumClient.$anonfun$getPageSource$1.340] get page source error
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.153] exception
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.154] org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Method is not implemented
Build info: version: 'unknown', revision: 'unknown', time: 'unknown'
System info: host: 'binlis-Mac-mini.local', ip: 'fe80:0:0:0:469:4ee6:11c0:1dab%en0', 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.12.6', java.version: '1.8.0_77'
Driver info: io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Capabilities [{app=/Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/, networkConnectionEnabled=false, appium=, noReset=true, bundleId=com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6, databaseEnabled=false, launchTimeout=500000, fullReset=false, deviceName=demo, platform=MAC, autoLaunch=true, webStorageEnabled=false, locationContextEnabled=false, automationName=XCuiTest, browserName=, takesScreenshot=true, javascriptEnabled=true, udid=9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a, platformName=MAC, autoAcceptAlerts=true}]
Session ID: 606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.155]
2018-03-26 11:41:16 WARN [AppiumClient.$anonfun$getPageSource$1.340] get page source error
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.153] exception
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.154] org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Method is not implemented
Build info: version: 'unknown', revision: 'unknown', time: 'unknown'
System info: host: 'binlis-Mac-mini.local', ip: 'fe80:0:0:0:469:4ee6:11c0:1dab%en0', 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.12.6', java.version: '1.8.0_77'
Driver info: io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Capabilities [{app=/Applications/rlasp2_autotest/6.5/autoTest/apps/, networkConnectionEnabled=false, appium=, noReset=true, bundleId=com.repeatlink.rlterm3push.v6, databaseEnabled=false, launchTimeout=500000, fullReset=false, deviceName=demo, platform=MAC, autoLaunch=true, webStorageEnabled=false, locationContextEnabled=false, automationName=XCuiTest, browserName=, takesScreenshot=true, javascriptEnabled=true, udid=9da82887884423f91840e4a4601862d2821de94a, platformName=MAC, autoAcceptAlerts=true}]
Session ID: 606be796-6972-4787-9d3f-551ad11d30c4
2018-03-26 11:41:16 ERROR [AppiumClient.asyncTask.155]
2018-03-26 11:41:16 WARN [AppiumClient.$anonfun$getPageSource$1.340] get page source error
2018-03-26 11:41:16 WARN [Crawler.refreshPage.562] page source get fail, go back
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.setElementAction.660] set action to back
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.runStartupScript.236] first refresh
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.doElementAction.976] current element = _startupActions-Start-0
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.doElementAction.977] current index = 0
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.doElementAction.978] current action =
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.doElementAction.979] current url =
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.doElementAction.980] current xpath = startupActions-Start-0
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.doElementAction.981] current tag path = _startupActions-Start-0
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.doElementAction.982] current file name = _
2018-03-26 11:41:16 INFO [Crawler.doElementAction.983] current uri =    startupActions-Start-0          startupActions
Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: last of empty ListBuffer
    at scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.last(ListBuffer.scala:401)
    at com.testerhome.appcrawler.DataRecord.last(DataRecord.scala:40)
    at com.testerhome.appcrawler.Crawler.doElementAction(Crawler.scala:985)
    at com.testerhome.appcrawler.Crawler.runStartupScript(Crawler.scala:238)
    at com.testerhome.appcrawler.Crawler.start(Crawler.scala:152)
    at com.testerhome.appcrawler.AppCrawler$.startCrawl(AppCrawler.scala:344)
    at com.testerhome.appcrawler.AppCrawler$.parseParams(AppCrawler.scala:312)
    at com.testerhome.appcrawler.AppCrawler$.main(AppCrawler.scala:92)
    at com.testerhome.appcrawler.AppCrawler.main(AppCrawler.scala)


共收到 2 条回复 时间 点赞

你后台连接 appium 吧,别直接连接 wda,看起来是 webdriver 协议不太一致。

sini #2 · 2018年03月26日 Author

使用另外一个窗口启动的appium server,通过什么方式可以不直接连接 WDA?没太懂这个

appcrawler 日志里面,有个等待 app 启动,启动了之后 driver 没有获取到。会不会是这里引起的呢?

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