STF STF 开发环境搭建最后的问题。

清风徐【来】 · 2018年02月11日 · 最后由 0x88 回复于 2018年02月12日 · 3245 次阅读

在搭建 STF 环境时,遇到各种问题,都被一一解决了,当在启动的时候,突然报出这个问题,很是费解,希望大神可以解决一下!!!!

共收到 9 条回复 时间 点赞

启动前有没有启动 Rethinkdb?还有你应该把你启动的命令也发出来

0x88 回复

root@ubuntu:~# /data/stf-master/bin/stf local
2018-02-11T08:15:04.083Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli migrate"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.350Z INF/db 10766 [
] Connecting to
2018-02-11T08:15:04.374Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Database "stf" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.384Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Table "users" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.384Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Table "accessTokens" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.384Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Table "vncauth" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.384Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Table "devices" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.384Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Table "logs" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.409Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Index "users"."adbKeys" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.409Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Index "accessTokens"."email" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.409Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Index "vncauth"."response" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.409Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Index "vncauth"."responsePerDevice" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.409Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Index "devices"."owner" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.409Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Index "devices"."present" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.409Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Waiting for index "users"."adbKeys"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.411Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Waiting for index "accessTokens"."email"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.411Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Waiting for index "vncauth"."response"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.411Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Waiting for index "vncauth"."responsePerDevice"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.412Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Waiting for index "devices"."owner"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.412Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Waiting for index "devices"."present"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.414Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Index "devices"."providerChannel" already exists
2018-02-11T08:15:04.414Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Index "users"."adbKeys" is ready
2018-02-11T08:15:04.414Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Waiting for index "devices"."providerChannel"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.416Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Index "accessTokens"."email" is ready
2018-02-11T08:15:04.416Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Index "vncauth"."response" is ready
2018-02-11T08:15:04.417Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Index "vncauth"."responsePerDevice" is ready
2018-02-11T08:15:04.417Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Index "devices"."owner" is ready
2018-02-11T08:15:04.418Z INF/db:setup 10766 [
] Index "devices"."present" is ready
2018-02-11T08:15:04.418Z INF/db:setup 10766 [] Index "devices"."providerChannel" is ready
2018-02-11T08:15:04.424Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [
] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli triproxy app001 --bind-pub tcp:// --bind-dealer tcp:// --bind-pull tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.428Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli triproxy dev001 --bind-pub tcp:// --bind-dealer tcp:// --bind-pull tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.434Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [
] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli processor proc001 --connect-app-dealer tcp:// --connect-dev-dealer tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.438Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli processor proc002 --connect-app-dealer tcp:// --connect-dev-dealer tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.442Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [
] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli reaper reaper001 --connect-push tcp:// --connect-sub tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.453Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli provider --name ubuntu --min-port 7400 --max-port 7700 --connect-sub tcp:// --connect-push tcp:// --group-timeout 900 --public-ip localhost --storage-url http://localhost:7100/ --adb-host --adb-port 5037 --vnc-initial-size 600x800 --mute-master never"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.491Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [
] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli auth-mock --port 7120 --secret kute kittykat --app-url http://localhost:7100/"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.527Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli app --port 7105 --secret kute kittykat --auth-url http://localhost:7100/auth/mock/ --websocket-url http://localhost:7110/"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.536Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [
] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli api --port 7106 --secret kute kittykat --connect-push tcp:// --connect-sub tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.578Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli websocket --port 7110 --secret kute kittykat --storage-url http://localhost:7100/ --connect-sub tcp:// --connect-push tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.595Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [
] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli storage-temp --port 7102"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.610Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli storage-plugin-image --port 7103 --storage-url http://localhost:7100/"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.623Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [
] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli storage-plugin-apk --port 7104 --storage-url http://localhost:7100/"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.643Z INF/util:procutil 10760 [] Forking "/data/stf-master/lib/cli poorxy --port 7100 --app-url http://localhost:7105/ --auth-url http://localhost:7120/ --api-url http://localhost:7106/ --websocket-url http://localhost:7110/ --storage-url http://localhost:7102/ --storage-plugin-image-url http://localhost:7103/ --storage-plugin-apk-url http://localhost:7104/"
2018-02-11T08:15:04.836Z INF/triproxy 10772 [app001] PUB socket bound on tcp://
2018-02-11T08:15:04.852Z INF/triproxy 10772 [app001] DEALER socket bound on tcp://
2018-02-11T08:15:04.857Z INF/triproxy 10772 [app001] PULL socket bound on tcp://
2018-02-11T08:15:05.426Z INF/triproxy 10778 [dev001] PUB socket bound on tcp://
2018-02-11T08:15:05.444Z INF/triproxy 10778 [dev001] DEALER socket bound on tcp://
2018-02-11T08:15:05.451Z INF/triproxy 10778 [dev001] PULL socket bound on tcp://
2018-02-11T08:15:05.653Z INF/db 10790 [
] Connecting to
2018-02-11T08:15:05.739Z INF/processor 10790 [proc002] App dealer connected to "tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:05.747Z INF/processor 10790 [proc002] Device dealer connected to "tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:05.990Z INF/poorxy 10845 [] Listening on port 7100
2018-02-11T08:15:08.297Z INF/db 10784 [
] Connecting to
2018-02-11T08:15:08.322Z INF/reaper 10791 [reaper001] Subscribing to permanent channel "ALL"
2018-02-11T08:15:08.325Z INF/reaper 10791 [reaper001] Reaping devices with no heartbeat
2018-02-11T08:15:08.335Z INF/provider 10797 [
] Subscribing to permanent channel "ynY8IgvbRT6sruCb25T36A=="
2018-02-11T08:15:08.337Z INF/db 10791 [reaper001] Connecting to
2018-02-11T08:15:08.341Z INF/processor 10784 [proc001] App dealer connected to "tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:08.342Z INF/processor 10784 [proc001] Device dealer connected to "tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:08.351Z INF/reaper 10791 [reaper001] Receiving input from "tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:08.352Z INF/reaper 10791 [reaper001] Sending output to "tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:08.358Z INF/provider 10797 [] Sending output to "tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:08.359Z INF/provider 10797 [
] Receiving input from "tcp://"
2018-02-11T08:15:08.382Z INF/provider 10797 [] Tracking devices
Server running at
2018-02-11T08:15:08.523Z INF/storage:plugins:image 10833 [
] Listening on port 7103
/data/stf-master/lib/cli api

-h, --help Show help. [boolean]
-V, --version Show version. [boolean]
--connect-push, -c App-side ZeroMQ PULL endpoint to connect to.
[array] [required]
--connect-sub, -u App-side ZeroMQ PUB endpoint to connect to.
[array] [required]
--port, -p The port to bind to. [number] [default: 7106]
--secret, -s The secret to use for auth JSON Web Tokens. Anyone who
knows this token can freely enter the system if they want,
so keep it safe. [string] [required]
--ssid, -i The name of the session ID cookie.
[string] [default: "ssid"]

Each option can be be overwritten with an environment variable by converting the
option to uppercase, replacing dashes with underscores and prefixing it with

mocker.formats is not a function
2018-02-11T08:15:08.540Z FTL/cli:local 10760 [] Child process had an error ExitError: Exit code "1"
at ChildProcess. (/data/stf-master/lib/util/procutil.js:50:25)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:219:12)
2018-02-11T08:15:08.540Z INF/cli:local 10760 [
] Shutting down all child processes
2018-02-11T08:15:08.549Z INF/util:lifecycle 10772 [app001] Winding down for graceful exit
2018-02-11T08:15:08.549Z INF/util:lifecycle 10778 [dev001] Winding down for graceful exit
2018-02-11T08:15:08.551Z INF/util:lifecycle 10797 [*] Winding down for graceful exit
2018-02-11T08:15:08.552Z INF/util:lifecycle 10784 [proc001] Winding down for graceful exit
2018-02-11T08:15:08.552Z INF/util:lifecycle 10791 [reaper001] Winding down for graceful exit
2018-02-11T08:15:08.555Z WRN/db 10791 [reaper001] Connection closed
2018-02-11T08:15:08.552Z INF/util:lifecycle 10790 [proc002] Winding down for graceful exit
2018-02-11T08:15:08.561Z WRN/db 10790 [proc002] Connection closed
2018-02-11T08:15:08.561Z WRN/db 10784 [proc001] Connection closed

0x88 回复

数据库是启动了 表也建立好了

mocker.formats is not a function
rm -rf node_modules && npm install

不说了嘛,先启动 rethinkdb,shell 里输入rethinkdb命令。

还有,adb server 开了嘛?

你用 docker 搭建更方便

建议检查下 node 版本,看是否符合 stf 要求。

需要 登录 后方可回复, 如果你还没有账号请点击这里 注册