• Testing failed:
    Use of undeclared type 'XCUIElement'
    Use of undeclared type 'XCElementSnapshot'
    Use of undeclared type 'XCUIApplication'
    Use of undeclared type 'XCUIApplication'
    Cannot invoke 'XCUIApplication.Type.init' with an argument list of type '(privateWithPath: String?, bundleID: String?)'
    Use of undeclared type 'XCUIApplication'
    Value of type 'XCUIApplication' has no member 'processID'
    Use of undeclared type 'XCUIApplication'
    Use of undeclared type 'XCUIElement'
    Cannot invoke 'XCUIApplication.Type.init' with an argument list of type '(privateWithPath: String?, bundleID: String?)'
    Value of type 'XCUIApplication' has no member 'processID'
    ** TEST FAILED **


  • 测试之我见 (一) at 2015年09月16日

    #3 楼 @chenhengjie123 新人求 testerhome 的微信公众号