• 再见 2014,你好 2015 at February 17, 2015

    支持乙醇老师,期待您 Appium 更多的定位方法出炉,我等了好久啊:(

  • 刚刚又上官网查了一下,使用 tag_name 定位的方法应该是被废弃了.

    New locator strategies
    We’ve removed the following locator strategies:
        tag name
    We have now added the accessibility_id strategy to do what name used to do. The specifics will be relative to your Appium client.
    tag name has been replaced by class name. So to find an element by its UI type, use the class name locator strategy for your client.
    Note about class name and xpath strategies: these now require the fully-qualified class name for your element. This means that if you had an xpath selector that looked like this:
    It would now need to be:
    (And likewise for Android: button now needs to be android.widget.Button)
    We’ve also added the following locator strategies:
        -ios uiautomation
        -android uiautomator
    Refer to your client for ways to use these new locator strategies.


    it 'Contact' do
       button = @driver.find_element(:class_name, 'android.widget.Button')
       puts button.text
       tag_name = @driver.find_element(:class_name, 'android.widget.EditText')
       tag_name.send_keys("My name")    
  • @lihuazhang 谢谢! 后来解决了.(用家里的电脑下载后就可以完整播放)

  • 没有 13 薪,不发年终奖,也不加工资的默默路过

  • 为什么我下载下来的 appium 视频播放到一半后就播放不出来了?