Appium python 里面怎么实现 左右滑动屏幕

martin · 2014年05月20日 · 最后由 唐僧之妈 回复于 2014年05月30日 · 2055 次阅读

使用了 swipe 方法和 js 的方式 都提示同样的错误
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command

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我用 swipe 方法也是提示这个错误

Swipe from one point to another point, for an optional duration.

         - start_x - x-coordinate at which to start
         - start_y - y-coordinate at which to end
         - end_x - x-coordinate at which to stop
         - end_y - y-coordinate at which to stop
         - duration - (optional) time to take the swipe, in ms.

            driver.swipe(100, 100, 100, 400)
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