Appium Appium 1.6.0 正式发布!!

拖拉机 · 2016年10月08日 · 最后由 蒋君涛 回复于 2016年11月08日 · 2768 次阅读


This release of Appium is a significant milestone, introducing support for two new platforms:

  • Windows desktop applications (see the usage documentation).
  • You.i TV (see the driver documentation).

There is also support for two new frameworks for automating iOS and Android:

  • XCUITest support for automating iOS 9.3 and 10 (see migration docs and driver docs).
  • UI Automator 2 support for enhanced automation of Android devices (see wiki).


  • Require Node 4 or above (possible breaking change)
  • Add automationName capability entries for XCUITest, UIAutomator2, and youiengine
  • Add platformName capability entry for Windows


  • Add support for Xcode 8 and iOS 10 (using automationName of XCUITest). For information on using this driver, see the driver documentation
  • Make sure device name gets properly translated into actual device name
  • Fix case where orientation would get lost
  • Fix Safari page change logic to actually catch when a page changes
  • Try harder to kill Instruments if the normal way does not work, to avoid hanging processes
  • Move authorize-ios into global package


  • Add androidInstallTimeout desired capability, to customize the timeout when installing an app
  • Add androidScreenshotPath desired capability, to set the path in which screenshot files are saved on the device
  • Add appWaitDuration desired capability, to customize how long to wait for an application
  • Fix optional intent arguments to allow for hyphens
  • Wait for apps to launch before proceeding
  • Switch to clearing text fields using adb, to improve reliability and speed
  • Add ability to detect screen orientation
  • Make sure Selendroid mode doesn't lose connection through adb when network changes
  • Make sure the release action in a touch action chain doesn't happen in the wrong place
  • Make application install more reliable
  • Fix screenshot on Windows
  • Make Chromedriver connect on a random port if none specified
  • Add reboot server argument, to specify that the avd ought to be cleaned and rebooted
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XCUITest support


作者只是更新了 changelog, 还没正式的发布.

请问为什么都是 os 下的?windows 不管了么

刚正式发布了,xpath 的改动比较坑。

有空 down 下来试试

#7 楼 @ccy 升级 Appium 到 1.6.0-beta1 后,我在执行原有测试脚本时,提示 :An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters。看了一下文档,关于 xpath 的改变确实是有一些问题,请问你有什么应对方法没?
另外 Appium 新版本已经正式发布了吗,在官网上没有看到安装包呢?

#9 楼 @wanwan001 Appium 1.6.0 现在已经正式发布了,没必要再 beta1 跟 beta2 了。你可以试一下正式版。

关于 xpath 的改动, 说得比较清楚,大致就是 1.6.0 会帮忙自动转换 UIA* 开头的 element 到 XCUIElementType 的 element,但是自己最好用其它的 inspector 确认一下 xpath 结构没变。Appium 自己的 inspector 还没有支持最新的 1.6.0,所以我现在用的是 macaca 的 inspector。

安装包没有更新,但是 npm 已经更新了,你可以直接 npm install appium 来得到最新的版本。


#9 楼 @wanwan001 求教怎么升级的,,,我使用命令 npm install -g appium 安装不了。

#5 楼 @seveniruby 请问怎么升级 1.6.0,是终端输 npm install -g appium 吗,可是我这样安装不上,,,是有其他办法吗

#14 楼 @dzn 在社区的搜索里面搜索 "appium 代理"

求解答 1.6.0 的元素定位的代码怎么写的😟

请问一下, dmg 版本可能什么时候才能发布?命令行如何启动 inspector 呢?

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