招聘 美资 Sass 企业 Workstream 招聘 2-3 Mobile QA Engineer (成都/上海)

Workstream · 2023年06月30日 · 最后由 Workstream 回复于 2023年08月03日 · 9658 次阅读

薪资范围:35-45K per month


PS: 该岗位直属汇报给北美 QA Manager 需要英文作为工作语言


Be responsible to do functional testing, API testing, and automation testing for the mobile feature release, and follow the testing process to do bug reporting and analysis
• Setup fundamental infrastructure and test strategy for mobile testing, and drive the mobile feature release cycle
• Setup mobile automation testing framework and automate key scenarios
• Work closely with PM, Dev, and UX to discuss the mobile features, involved to do feature release plan and test design
• Involved in all the phases of the development cycle to guarantee the mobile product quality
• Work closely with Customer Success/Support to handle customer issues, also work with dev to do root cause analysis of the issue
• Work closely with other QA to deliver mobile features with high quality.
• Take part in the testing tools and platform design and development to improve the quality assurance mechanism.

Who You Are:
• Have 5+ years of experience in the mobile testing domain, and have hands-on experience in mobile functional/API testing and mobile app release.
• Skilled in different kinds of testing of internet products, have a deep understanding of mobile test design methodology, workflow, and standards.
• Familiar with at least one programming language, Ruby, and JS is a favorites.
• Familiar with Mobile regression test frameworks, such as Appium and Mocha.
• Familiar with different kinds of testing for mobile apps, like compatibility testing, weak network tests, Power consumption tests, etc, and can analyze performance and crash issues.
• Have high responsibility and team spirit towards work. Always be active and strict at work
• Willing to learn and work with the team to adopt any kind of solution to improve quality
• Be good at English oral and writing in communication

What We Offer:
• An opportunity to be an early employee at a high-growth SaaS company and work directly with the founding team
• Full-time employees are offered comprehensive medical and dental benefits
• A globally-distributed team who deeply cares about each other and shares ideas
• A belief that productivity is measured by output
• Flexible schedule with a “use it how you need it” vacation policy - we don’t believe in capping or earning hours. We trust our team to get the job done and rest/recharge as they see fit

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负责做功能测试,API 测试和自动化测试移动功能发布,并遵循测试过程做 bug 报告和分析设置基础设施和测试策略移动测试,并推动移动特性发布周期设置移动自动化测试框架和自动化关键场景与下午密切合作,开发和用户体验讨论移动特性,参与做功能发布计划和测试设计参与开发周期的所有阶段,以保证移动产品质量与客户成功/支持处理客户问题,也与开发做问题的根本原因分析与其他质量保证密切合作提供高质量的移动功能。

•参与测试工具和平台的设计和开发,以完善质量保证机制。你是谁:在移动测试领域有 5 年的 + 经验,并且在移动功能/API 测试和移动应用程序发布方面有实践经验。


•熟悉至少一种编程语言,Ruby 和 JS 是最受欢迎的语言。

•熟悉移动回归测试框架,如 Appium 和 Mocha。•熟悉移动应用的各种测试,如兼容性测试、弱网络测试、功耗测试等,可以分析性能和崩溃问题。


总是积极和严格的工作愿意学习和与团队采用任何形式的解决方案来提高质量擅长英语口语和写作交流我们提供什么:一个机会成为一个早期的高增长 SaaS 公司和创始员工直接工作团队全职员工提供全面的医疗和牙科福利全球分布的团队非常关心彼此和分享想法相信生产率是衡量灵活的时间表与 “使用它你需要” 的假期政策——我们不相信限制或获得时间。我们相信我们的团队能完成工作,并在他们认为合适的时候休息/充电

杀手carry 回复

你这是机翻的吧?😂 感觉翻译得挺全的,但是个别句子看起来又有点怪怪的


lyyyyyyy 回复

英语是加分项。 移动端技术是必选项。


Any opportunity in Shanghai?

天天向上 回复

Mobile QA 这个岗位就是放在上海的哦。

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