Espresso Google Espresso:一种用于云中 Android UI 的快速自动化测试框架

思寒_seveniruby · 2013年10月29日 · 最后由 国文 回复于 2013年11月04日 · 2332 次阅读

Google 开源了 Espresso,这是一种 Android 自动化测试框架,使测试人员可以在云中 x86 机器的多线程环境里运行测试,并解决了关于 UI 测试的并发问题。由于 Android 设备数量和种类众多,在真实的设备上运行测试非常耗时,而且成本很高。一种解决方案是在模拟器上执行测试。模拟器是一个可控的环境,支持多种 OS 版本、屏幕尺寸和内存限制。这种方法可以捕获大部分代码 Bug,剩下的 Bug 可以留给真实设备测试和人工测试去发现。

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我觉得这个文章写的有点离谱,,其实 Espresso 跟云没什么关系.
我最近也开始研究这个东西, 看看能不能解决一些 Mock 的问题

Google Testing Blog 也发文了

Espresso for Android is here!

Cross-posted from the Android Developers Google+ Page

Earlier this year, we presented Espresso at GTAC as a solution to the UI testing problem. Today we are announcing the launch of the developer preview for Espresso!

The compelling thing about developing Espresso was making it easy and fun for developers to write reliable UI tests. Espresso has a small, predictable, and easy to learn API, which is still open for customization. But most importantly - Espresso removes the need to think about the complexity of multi-threaded testing. With Espresso, you can think procedurally and write concise, beautiful, and reliable Android UI tests quickly.

Espresso is now being used by over 30 applications within Google (Drive, Maps and G+, just to name a few). Starting from today, Espresso will also be available to our great developer community. We hope you will also enjoy testing your applications with Espresso and looking forward to your feedback and contributions!

Android Test Kit:

#2 楼 @oscarxie 这个也是下一步要研究的重要方向

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