Appium appium 执行 sh ./Scripts/ 出现报错

王智强 · December 28, 2017 · Last by BOFA1ex replied at December 13, 2018 · 3041 hits

C02NP148G5RN:WebDriverAgent ex-wangzhiqiang004$ ls -l
total 48
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 1324 12 22 04:50
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 63 12 22 04:50 Cartfile
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 48 12 22 04:50 Cartfile.resolved
drwxrwxrwx 4 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 136 12 27 15:31 Carthage
drwxrwxrwx 3 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 102 12 27 15:22 Configurations
drwxrwxrwx 12 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 408 12 27 15:35 Inspector
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 1535 12 22 04:50 LICENSE
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 1985 12 22 04:50 PATENTS
drwxrwxrwx 3 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 102 12 27 15:22 PrivateHeaders
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 2647 12 22 04:50
drwxrwxrwx 4 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 136 12 28 13:30 Resources
drwxrwxrwx 4 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 136 12 27 15:22 Scripts
drwxrwxrwx@ 6 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 204 12 28 16:23 WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj
drwxrwxrwx 16 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 544 12 27 15:22 WebDriverAgentLib
drwxrwxrwx 4 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 136 12 27 15:22 WebDriverAgentRunner
drwxrwxrwx 5 ex-wangzhiqiang004 admin 170 12 27 15:22 WebDriverAgentTests
C02NP148G5RN:WebDriverAgent ex-wangzhiqiang004$ pwd
C02NP148G5RN:WebDriverAgent ex-wangzhiqiang004$ sh ./Scripts/
-e Fetching dependencies
-e Building Inspector
Creating bundle directory...
Fetching Inspector dependencies...
npm WARN react-dom@15.6.2 requires a peer of react@15.6.2 but none was installed.
npm WARN web-driver-inspector@1.0.0 No repository field.

up to date in 4.379s

│ │
│ Update available 5.3.0 → 5.6.0 │
│ Run npm i -g npm to update │
│ │

Validating Inspector
No errors!

13:18 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/http' import/no-unresolved
14:20 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/screen' import/no-unresolved
15:31 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/screenshot_factory' import/no-unresolved
16:18 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/tree' import/no-unresolved
17:22 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/tree_node' import/no-unresolved
18:25 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/tree_context' import/no-unresolved
19:23 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/inspector' import/no-unresolved
28:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
33:13 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
38:20 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
42:18 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
49:13 error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand
56:12 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
65:9 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren

16:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
26:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
41:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
47:12 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
66:12 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
70:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
80:16 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
84:15 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren

13:13 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
13:20 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
19:7 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
20:7 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
25:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
25:27 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
29:7 error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand
32:7 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
33:7 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks

11:34 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
11:55 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
15:40 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
15:69 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
16:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
20:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
28:45 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
28:79 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
29:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
33:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
41:22 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
41:31 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
42:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
44:28 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
45:7 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks

13:18 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/http' import/no-unresolved
14:1 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
18:22 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
23:9 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
38:18 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
64:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
68:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
86:6 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
89:9 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
97:13 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
98:13 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var

13:18 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/http' import/no-unresolved
14:31 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/gesture_recognizer' import/no-unresolved
16:1 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
21:21 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
22:6 error Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 5 indent
25:23 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
26:7 error Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6 indent
29:9 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
54:20 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
71:22 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
72:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
79:13 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
83:19 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
84:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
85:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
86:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
87:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
96:9 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
100:13 error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand
101:13 error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand
102:13 error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand
103:13 error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand
114:13 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
115:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
116:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
120:20 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
121:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
122:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
128:9 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
132:13 error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand
133:13 error Expected property shorthand object-shorthand
143:22 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
146:9 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
160:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
164:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
168:12 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
172:12 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
176:7 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
186:19 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
202:24 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
215:34 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
216:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
221:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
224:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
228:75 error Missing space before opening brace space-before-blocks
229:9 error Expected indentation of 6 spaces but found 8 indent

10:24 error Unable to resolve path to module 'js/image_utils' import/no-unresolved
12:30 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
13:3 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
14:3 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
15:3 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
17:3 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
18:3 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
23:26 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
23:60 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
33:28 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
37:22 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
37:43 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
51:34 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
51:42 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
52:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
58:5 warning Avoid callbacks. Prefer Async/Await promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks

23:9 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
42:16 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
46:21 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
52:13 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
64:13 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
84:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
101:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
107:19 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
113:19 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren

11:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
16:21 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren

11:19 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
18:23 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
19:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
26:23 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
27:5 error Unexpected var, use let or const instead no-var
36:19 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren
49:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren

✖ 137 problems (124 errors, 13 warnings)

共收到 5 条回复 时间 点赞

49:14 error Missing space before function parentheses space-before-function-paren


kwtang 回复

已经解决了 appium 的路径错了 因为是安装了俩个 appium 一个桌面版本的 一个命令行版本的 俩个 appium 的路径是不一样的


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