deffind_elements_by_android_uiautomator(self,uia_string):"""Finds elements by uiautomator in Android.
- uia_string - The element name in the Android UIAutomator library
"""returnself.find_elements(by=By.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR,value=uia_string)deffind_element_by_accessibility_id(self,id):"""Finds an element by accessibility id.
- id - a string corresponding to a recursive element search using the
Id/Name that the native Accessibility options utilize
Allows for elements to be found using the "Accessibility ID". The methods take a
string representing the accessibility id or label attached to a given element, e.g., for iOS the accessibility identifier and for Android the content-description. Adds the methods driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id and find_elements_by_accessibility_id.