持续集成 Jenkins+xcodebuild+mod-pbxproj 进行多 target 企业证书 archive 并导出 IPA

Nick · September 18, 2017 · Last by Dream replied at January 09, 2018 · 2782 hits


在我们公司,日常测试使用的是企业包,只有再测试一些特定业务时才会使用个人开发者证书构建出来的版本。那么,今天就跟大家来简单聊一聊使用 xcodebuild 构建企业包 IPA 并上传,然后发送包含二维码图片的邮件通知,并支持在线安装。

今天介绍关于 Jenkins 本身的知识,有相关问题大家可以自行 Google。

关于 xcodebuild

➜  ios_main git:(develop) xcodebuild -help
Usage: xcodebuild [-project <projectname>] [[-target <targetname>]...|-alltargets] [-configuration <configurationname>] [-arch <architecture>]... [-sdk [<sdkname>|<sdkpath>]] [-showBuildSettings] [<buildsetting>=<value>]... [<buildaction>]...
       xcodebuild [-project <projectname>] -scheme <schemeName> [-destination <destinationspecifier>]... [-configuration <configurationname>] [-arch <architecture>]... [-sdk [<sdkname>|<sdkpath>]] [-showBuildSettings] [<buildsetting>=<value>]... [<buildaction>]...
       xcodebuild -workspace <workspacename> -scheme <schemeName> [-destination <destinationspecifier>]... [-configuration <configurationname>] [-arch <architecture>]... [-sdk [<sdkname>|<sdkpath>]] [-showBuildSettings] [<buildsetting>=<value>]... [<buildaction>]...
       xcodebuild -version [-sdk [<sdkfullpath>|<sdkname>] [<infoitem>] ]
       xcodebuild -list [[-project <projectname>]|[-workspace <workspacename>]] [-json]
       xcodebuild -showsdks
       xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath <xcarchivepath> -exportPath <destinationpath> -exportOptionsPlist <plistpath>
       xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -localizationPath <path> -project <projectname> [-exportLanguage <targetlanguage>...]
       xcodebuild -importLocalizations -localizationPath <path> -project <projectname>

    -usage                              print brief usage
    -help                               print complete usage
    -verbose                            provide additional status output
    -license                            show the Xcode and SDK license agreements
    -checkFirstLaunchStatus             Check if any First Launch tasks need to be performed
    -project NAME                       build the project NAME
    -target NAME                        build the target NAME
    -alltargets                         build all targets
    -workspace NAME                     build the workspace NAME
    -scheme NAME                        build the scheme NAME
    -configuration NAME                 use the build configuration NAME for building each target
    -xcconfig PATH                      apply the build settings defined in the file at PATH as overrides
    -arch ARCH                          build each target for the architecture ARCH; this will override architectures defined in the project
    -sdk SDK                            use SDK as the name or path of the base SDK when building the project
    -toolchain NAME                     use the toolchain with identifier or name NAME
    -destination DESTINATIONSPECIFIER   use the destination described by DESTINATIONSPECIFIER (a comma-separated set of key=value pairs describing the destination to use)
    -destination-timeout TIMEOUT        wait for TIMEOUT seconds while searching for the destination device
    -parallelizeTargets                 build independent targets in parallel
    -jobs NUMBER                        specify the maximum number of concurrent build operations
    -dry-run                            do everything except actually running the commands
    -quiet                              do not print any output except for warnings and errors
    -hideShellScriptEnvironment         don't show shell script environment variables in build log
    -showsdks                           display a compact list of the installed SDKs
    -showBuildSettings                  display a list of build settings and values
    -list                               lists the targets and configurations in a project, or the schemes in a workspace
    -find-executable NAME               display the full path to executable NAME in the provided SDK and toolchain
    -find-library NAME                  display the full path to library NAME in the provided SDK and toolchain
    -version                            display the version of Xcode; with -sdk will display info about one or all installed SDKs
    -enableAddressSanitizer YES|NO      turn the address sanitizer on or off
    -enableThreadSanitizer YES|NO       turn the thread sanitizer on or off
    -resultBundlePath PATH              specifies the directory where a result bundle describing what occurred will be placed
    -derivedDataPath PATH               specifies the directory where build products and other derived data will go
    -archivePath PATH                   specifies the directory where any created archives will be placed, or the archive that should be exported
    -exportArchive                      specifies that an archive should be exported
    -exportOptionsPlist PATH            specifies a path to a plist file that configures archive exporting
    -enableCodeCoverage YES|NO          turn code coverage on or off when testing
    -exportPath PATH                    specifies the destination for the product exported from an archive
    -skipUnavailableActions             specifies that scheme actions that cannot be performed should be skipped instead of causing a failure
    -exportLocalizations                exports completed and outstanding project localizations
    -importLocalizations                imports localizations for a project, assuming any necessary localized resources have been created in Xcode
    -localizationPath                   specifies a path to XLIFF localization files
    -exportLanguage                     specifies multiple optional ISO 639-1 languages included in a localization export
    -xctestrun                          specifies a path to a test run specification
    -only-testing:TEST-IDENTIFIER       constrains testing by specifying tests to include, and excluding other tests
    -skip-testing:TEST-IDENTIFIER       constrains testing by specifying tests to exclude, but including other tests
    -json                               output as JSON (note: -json implies -quiet)

Available keys for -exportOptionsPlist:

    compileBitcode : Bool

        For non-App Store exports, should Xcode re-compile the app from bitcode? Defaults to YES.

    embedOnDemandResourcesAssetPacksInBundle : Bool

        For non-App Store exports, if the app uses On Demand Resources and this is YES, asset packs are embedded in the app bundle so that the app can be tested without a server to host asset packs. Defaults to YES unless onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL is specified.


        For non-App Store exports, if the app is using CloudKit, this configures the "com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment" entitlement. Available options: Development and Production. Defaults to Development.

    manifest : Dictionary

        For non-App Store exports, users can download your app over the web by opening your distribution manifest file in a web browser. To generate a distribution manifest, the value of this key should be a dictionary with three sub-keys: appURL, displayImageURL, fullSizeImageURL. The additional sub-key assetPackManifestURL is required when using on demand resources.

    method : String

        Describes how Xcode should export the archive. Available options: app-store, ad-hoc, package, enterprise, development, and developer-id. The list of options varies based on the type of archive. Defaults to development.

    onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL : String

        For non-App Store exports, if the app uses On Demand Resources and embedOnDemandResourcesAssetPacksInBundle isn't YES, this should be a base URL specifying where asset packs are going to be hosted. This configures the app to download asset packs from the specified URL.

    teamID : String

        The Developer Portal team to use for this export. Defaults to the team used to build the archive.

    thinning : String

        For non-App Store exports, should Xcode thin the package for one or more device variants? Available options: <none> (Xcode produces a non-thinned universal app), <thin-for-all-variants> (Xcode produces a universal app and all available thinned variants), or a model identifier for a specific device (e.g. "iPhone7,1"). Defaults to <none>.

    uploadBitcode : Bool

        For App Store exports, should the package include bitcode? Defaults to YES.

    uploadSymbols : Bool

        For App Store exports, should the package include symbols? Defaults to YES.


参数 说明
-showsdks display a compact list of the installed SDKs
-list lists the targets and configurations in a project, or the schemes in a workspace
-workspace NAME build the workspace NAME
-scheme NAME build the scheme NAME
-configuration NAME use the build configuration NAME for building each target
-archivePath PATH specifies the directory where any created archives will be placed, or the archive that should be exported
-exportArchive specifies that an archive should be exported
-exportOptionsPlist PATH specifies a path to a plist file that configures archive exporting
-exportPath PATH specifies the destination for the product exported from an archive


  • 前文已经说过,构建需要产生 IPA,然后上传到服务器 (并没有使用蒲公英/fir 等分发平台)。所以我们使用这样一条命令来导出 IPA:

    xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath <xcarchivepath> -exportPath <destinationpath> -exportOptionsPlist <plistpath>

  • 在导出 IPA 之前,我们需要先构建出 archive 文件,使用如下命令:

    xcodebuild -workspace <workspacename> -scheme <schemeName> [-configuration <configurationname>] [-sdk [<sdkname>|<sdkpath>]] [<buildsetting>=<value>] [<buildaction>]

  • 在构建之前建议进行 clean 操作,同样使用上一条命令,区别在于 buildaction:

    xcodebuild -workspace <workspacename> -scheme <schemeName> [-configuration <configurationname>] [-sdk [<sdkname>|<sdkpath>]] [<buildsetting>=<value>] [<buildaction>]

buildaction 即 clean、build、archive 等
由于我们的项目是使用 workspace 和 scheme 控制的多 target 项目,同时内部还有多个 widget,所以我使用了mod-pbxproj来进行项目编译前的配置。
请大家注意,以上 3 条命令都在上面的 xcodebuild -help 里可以找到,所以大家一定要仔细阅读帮助文档。


  1. clean workspace:

    xcodebuild -workspace yourworkspacename.xcworkspace -scheme EnterpriseRelease -configuration Release clean

  2. 生成 archive 文件:

    xcodebuild -workspace yourworkspacename.xcworkspace -scheme EnterpriseRelease -configuration Release -sdk iphoneos -archivePath ./build/EnterpriseRelease.xcarchive CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Distribution: xxxxxxxxxx." archive

  3. 生成 IPA:

    xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ./build/EnterpriseRelease.xcarchive -exportPath ./build -exportOptionsPlist ~/enterprise.plist

到这里,就完成了企业证书签名的 release 构建,之后可以通过 scp 命令拷贝到服务器制定目录,并实现在线安装了。


  • enterprise.plist 内容示例 (具体参数及取值参见 xcodebuild -help 最下边的部分):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
  • 在线安装的相关部署: 部署一个 Apache 服务,开启 ssl 并配置 CA 证书,准备一份 plist 文件,一整套下来其实很简单。 具体过程不再介绍,给出一个参考链接:http://www.jianshu.com/p/0546968b2d91


共收到 2 条回复 时间 点赞

楼主你好,mod-pbxproj 来进行项目编译前的配置,这个插件的使用能否提供一个详细点的 demo 之类的呢,看过文档了,不咋会 python,谢谢了

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