  • 同有问题,好像是 WDA 已经支持,但是 Appium 还不支持

  • 我的解决方案(仅供参考):

    appium-xcuitest-driver@2.4.0中的/lib/webdriveragent.jswaitForStart函数中,需要获得 WDA 的启动时间与系统时间做对比,导致reachedEnd一直是false,测试进程卡住,等待 WDA 启动,具体的代码如下:

    async waitForStart (startTime) {
        // we have to wait for the sim to start before we can tail the log file
        if (!this.realDevice) {
          await systemLogExists(this.device);
        let agentUrl;
        let lineCount = 0;
        let reachedEnd = !this.realDevice; // simulator does not need to wait, since we are tailing
        let showWaitingMessage = true; // turn off logging once we have hit the end
        let startDetector = (stdout) => {
          // on a real device there may already be system logs that need to be
          // passed before we get to the real startup logs, otherwise
          // we expect two lines, one after another
          //     Jul 20 13:03:57 iamPhone XCTRunner[296] <Warning>: Built at Jul 20 2016 13:03:50
          //     Jul 20 13:03:57 iamPhone XCTRunner[296] <Warning>: ServerURLHere-><-ServerURLHere
          if (!reachedEnd) {
            let dateMatch = REAL_DEVICE_BUILD_LOG_STARTTIME_REGEX.exec(stdout);
            if (dateMatch) {
              let buildTime = new Date(dateMatch[1]);
              if (buildTime.isAfter(startTime)) {
                reachedEnd = true;
          if (reachedEnd) {
            let match = AGENT_STARTED_REGEX.exec(stdout);
            if (match) {
              agentUrl = match[1];
              log.info(`Detected that WebDriverAgent is running at url '${agentUrl}'`);
              if (!agentUrl) {
                log.errorAndThrow(new Error('No url detected from WebDriverAgent'));
              showWaitingMessage = false;
              return true;
          // periodically log, so it does not look like everything died
          let threshold = this.realDevice ? 5000 : 200;
          if (showWaitingMessage && lineCount % threshold === 0) {
            log.debug('Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading...');
          return false;
        log.info('Waiting for WebDriverAgent to start on device');
        await this.deviceLogs.start(startDetector);
        log.info(`WebDriverAgent started at url '${agentUrl}'`);
        return agentUrl;



    if (!reachedEnd) {
            // let dateMatch = REAL_DEVICE_BUILD_LOG_STARTTIME_REGEX.exec(stdout);
            // if (dateMatch) {
            //   let buildTime = new Date(dateMatch[1]);
            //   if (buildTime.isAfter(startTime)) {
            //     reachedEnd = true;
            //   }
            // }
            reachedEnd = true;
            log.info("ReachedEnd is set true!")

    appium-xcuitest-driver@2.4.3与 2.4.0 的源码不一样,但是原理差不多。
    另外,需要修改 build 中编译后的文件或者修改后编译一下。