
Apache-2.0 License
花菜 · 2021年03月16日 · 5391 次阅读 · 1 条评论

什么是 godis

  • 使用golang实现的redis cli,二进制文件直接运行,无需任何依赖
  • 支持安全模式,限制只能运行只读命令
  • 支持常用clusteralone模式的常用命令
  • 带颜色的格式化输出,比原生的redis cli要更加友好和清晰 godis对比原生redis-cli

godis 加入环境变量

  • 下载 release 中对应平台的压缩包
  • 解压,得到 godis 可执行文件
  • godis可执行文件移动到/usr/local/bin/目录中(适用于 Mac 和 Linux)
  • Windows需要把godis所在的路径加入到系统的环境变量中


$ godis
A utility redis command line

  godis [command]

Available Commands:
  config      Handle godis configuration
  del         Delete a key
  exists      Assure a key is exists
  hcopy       Copy a hash key
  hdel        Hash key hdel
  help        Help about any command
  hget        Hash key hget
  hgetall     Hash key hgetall
  hmset       Add a hash key, auto unpack jsonValue
  renamenx    Rename key, if new_key is exist return fail, else success
  sadd        Add a set key
  smembers    Get set key values
  ttl         Get key ttl
  type        Get key type



  • 新增配置 bash $ godis config add local -a= --desc="local redis client" 2021/03/12 10:29:39 not configured, please use "godis config add" to set a cluster configuration Added cluster.
  • 激活配置 bash $ godis config use local 2021/03/12 10:30:41 not configured, please use "godis config add" to set a cluster configuration Switched to cluster "local".


  • hmset

    $ godis hmset myhash '{"a":1,"b":2}'
    2021/03/12 10:35:23 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is []
    hmset success, hash key is myhash , value is
    "a": "1",
    "b": "2"
  • hgetall

    hga 是 hgetall 的 aliase

    $ godis hga myhash
    2021/03/12 10:36:23 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is []
    "a": "1",
    "b": "2"
    $ godis hgetall myhash
    2021/03/12 10:37:55 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is []
    "a": "1",
    "b": "2"
  • hget

    hg 是 hge 的 aliase

    $ godis hget myhash a
    2021/03/12 10:40:12 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is []
    $ godis hg myhash a
    2021/03/12 10:40:27 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is []


  • sadd $ godis sadd myset a b c d 2021/03/12 10:41:35 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is [] sadd success, set key is myset , value is [ "d", "c", "a", "b" ] $ godis sadd myjsonset '{"a":1}' '{"b":2}' 2021/03/12 10:42:33 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is [] sadd success, set key is myjsonset , value is [ { "a": 1 }, { "b": 2 } ]
  • smembers
    sget 是 smembers 的 aliase $ godis smembers myset 2021/03/12 10:43:20 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is [] [ "d", "c", "a", "b" ] $ godis sget myjsonset 2021/03/12 10:43:57 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is [] [ { "a": 1 }, { "b": 2 } ]



$ godis config add local_safe -a= --desc="local safe redis client" --isSafeMode=true
2021/03/12 10:47:47 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is []
Added cluster.


$ godis config use local_safe
2021/03/12 10:49:18 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is []
Switched to cluster "local_safe".


支持的所有命令:["hg", "hget", "hgetall", "hga", "sget", "smembers", "type", "config"]

$ godis hga myhash
2021/03/12 10:50:41 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local_safe, addr is []
  "a": "1",
  "b": "2"
$ godis sget myjsonset
2021/03/12 10:51:10 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local_safe, addr is []
    "a": 1
    "b": 2


$ godis del myhash -c local
2021/03/12 10:59:35 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local, addr is []
delete key success

通过godis config ls查看,默认配置还是local_safe

$ godis config ls
2021/03/12 11:01:57 connect success, using alone mode, conf: local_safe, addr is []
    "Addrs": [
    "Description": "local redis client",
    "IsSafeMode": false,
    "Name": "local",
    "Password": ""
    "Addrs": [
    "Description": "local safe redis client",
    "IsSafeMode": false,
    "Name": "local_safe",
    "Password": ""
CurrentCluster: local_safe
花菜 发表于 2021年03月16日

经常使用 redis 命令行的小伙伴阔以试试~
项目地址: https://github.com/lihuacai168/godis
求 star~~