  • private static boolean nafCheck(AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
    boolean isNaf = node.isClickable() && node.isEnabled()
    && safeCharSeqToString(node.getContentDescription()).isEmpty()
    && safeCharSeqToString(node.getText()).isEmpty();

    if (! isNaf)
    return true;

    // check children since sometimes the containing element is clickable
    // and NAF but a child's text or description is available. Will assume
    // such layout as fine.
    return childNafCheck(node);
    在 uiautomator 的源码,AccessibilityNodeInfoDumper.java,上有个判断
    把这部分修改了。是不是可以显示 textview 的 naf 属性为 True 时的内容?
    可以用么?有人能帮我么?RMB 酬谢。