aps.net web api demo see this: http://www.cnblogs.com/huangenai/p/5253709.html
Simple encapsulation of Axios,Easy to use
Register and receive push notifications
ECharts wordcloud extension based on wordcloud2.js
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
canonical libwebsockets.org websocket library
Admin dashboard template based on Angular 7+, Bootstrap 4 (previously known as ng2-admin)
我通过 git parameter 在 jenkins 页面上可以手动点击选择 tag 触发构建。 但是我想通过 打 tag 提交后触发构建,已经实现了用在 system hook,但是 git parameter 但是 $TAG 为空??怎么在 clone 代码前在当前项目中 设置 TAG 呢