python 文档点击不进去?
源码地址返回 404??
➜ ~ smart_monkey -a com.sem.soueast-motor.SEMIV
INSTRUMENTS_TRACE_PATH : /Users/fushp/.trace
RESULT_BASE_PATH : /Users/fushp/smart_monkey_result
{:app_path=>"com.sem.soueast-motor.SEMIV", :run_count=>1, :time_limit_sec=>nil, :detail_event_count=>50}
=================================== Start Test (1/1) =======================================
ERROR: Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -13
Attempting iOS device system log capture via deviceconsole.
BundleID was found: com.sem.soueast-motor.SEMIV
Run: ["instruments", "-w", "ba70e92753de5cc3c5d6ca3875d5bad5f5c68ca8", "-t", "", "com.sem.soueast-motor.SEMIV", "-e", "UIASCRIPT", "/Users/fushp/smart_monkey_result/report_20170607112735/custom.js", "-e", "UIARESULTSPATH", "/Users/fushp/smart_monkey_result/report_20170607112735"]
2017-06-07 11:28:30.893 instruments[2958:3022510] ** -[__NSCFConstantString stringByAppendingPathExtension:]: cannot append extension 'tracetemplate' to path ''
Instruments Usage Error: The specified template '' does not exist.
instruments, version 8.3 (62122)
usage: instruments [-t template] [-D document] [-l timeLimit] [-i #] [-w device] [[-p pid] | [application [-e variable value] [argument ...]]]
Stop iOS system log capture.
ERROR: Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -13
➜ ~
ios 可以用吗