dirtyhand-tester 如何两天内完成一个集成测试框架原型 - 实例

simonpatrick · 2020年08月19日 · 1485 次阅读

Last chapter introduce how to build a test framework in two days,
In this chapter, let's do demos:

  • A Api TestCase
  • Api Chain Test Case
  • Pre-Condition And Verification Render to use context data

A Api TestCase

Here are two cases:

  1. after call HttpBin API, check the url field in response is http://httpbin.org
"verification": {"url": "is_equal_to http://httpbin.org"}
  1. after call HttpBin API, check the headers.Accept field in response is application/json1

The overall cases is:

    "test_cases": [{
        "name": "getapi-tc-1",
        "tc_id": "tc-get-1",
        "steps": [
                "name": "http get api",
                "precondition": {},
                "service": HttpBinGet,
                "params": {},
                "verification": {"url": "is_equal_to http://httpbin.org"}
        "name": "getapi-tc-21",
        "tc_id": "tc-get-2",
        "steps": [
                "name": "http get api",
                "precondition": {},
                "service": HttpBinGet,
                "params": {},
                "verification": {"headers.Accept": "is_equal_to application/json1"}


and the demo codes are:

@allure.epic("testing http bin test cases")
class TestHttpBinTestCase:

    @allure.feature("testing http bin get")
    def test_httpbin_get(self):
        runner = IntegrationExecutor(httpbinget_testcases)
        result = runner.run()
        assert result.get_tc_result() == "pass"

Api Chain Test Case

test cases:

    "test_cases": [{
        "name": "tc description",
        "tc_id": "testCaseId",
        "steps": [
                "name": "http get api",
                "precondition": {},
                "service": HttpBinGet,
                "params": {},
                "post_action": {"url": "url", "args": "args"},
                "verification": {"url": "is_equal_to http://httpbin.org"}
                "name": "http post api",
                "precondition": {},
                "service": HttpBinPOST,
                "params": {},
                "post_action": {},
                "verification": {"url": "is_equal_to http://httpbin.org"}
@allure.epic("testing http bin test cases")
class TestHttpBinTestCase:

    @allure.feature("testing http bin get/post")
    def test_httpbin_tc(self):
        runner = IntegrationExecutor(httpbin_testcases)
        result = runner.run()
        assert result.get_tc_result() == "pass"

the test cases code is almost same.

Pre-Condition And Verification Render to use context data

This case is more complex, use pre-condition, post-action, and verficiation to checkout
how the context processing.

We have two Api:

  • /json api to get a json, in this api's response, there is a author field, value is "Yours Truly"
  • /cookies/set api is to query a value by query parameter freeform

So assume there is a workflow in real business:

  1. call /json to get author
  2. then use the author name to query(call /cookie./set) some author properties

The author name might be changed over time in different environment, so I have to call
the api first in step 1, then getting the author name as the second api's input, finally call the second
api then verify the result .

So the example test cases is:

  • Case 1: Use Context and Render Input and Verifications

  • Case2: Use jinja2 built-in filter to handle parameters in test cases

and again, there is no re-invention, just use the exiting jinja2 template

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