aliyun-ddns for rust
My blog website "in flight to thought"
A tiny server for developer, set request-content and response-content , when request is and conte...
that's my self-learning swift project.
PXYMG (Proxy Manager) 是一款简洁优雅的 Clash 代理管理工具,它能智能地帮你测试并选择最佳节点,让你的网络体验更加流畅。
本项目主要用于掌纹特征提取,主要工作包含: 1. 手掌掌纹ROI提取 2. 特征提取网络设置 3. 特征网络训练预测 其中,掌纹提取部分,主要实现参照`palm_rpi_ext` 实现,核心...
Flight Data Decode, 解析,解码,译码 原始QAR数据 raw.dat 文件。ARINC 429 573 717 767. AGS.
A tool for removing watermarks from PDF academic articles, it is also possible to bypass the rest...
A backup for FlightCalc