An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Golang
A comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing large language models with hands-on examp...
《TensorFlow 快速入门与实战》和《TensorFlow 2 项目进阶实战》课程代码与课件
Source code for OAuth 2 in Action
Python programming assignments for Machine Learning by Prof. Andrew Ng in Coursera
:books: WebRTC 中文教程
I took Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course on Coursera and did the homework assigments... but, on...
接口自动化的话可有参考下Httprunner,如果你想搭建一个可视化的平台的话,就可以用你的 django。我自己使用的是 Flask+react 做接口自动化的平台,前端组件使用蚂蚁的组件库antd,接口自动化的核心就是使用 Httprunner。
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