Given a string containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.
The brackets must close in the correct order, "()" and "()[]{}" are all valid but "(]" and "([)]" are not.
给定一个只包含'(', ')', '{', '}', '[' 和 ']' 的字符串,判断输入字符串是否有效。
括号必须以正确的顺序闭合,比如 "()" 和"()[]{}" 是有效的, "(]" 和 "([)]" 无效的
1.采用一种堆栈的方式,如果遇见的是左括号'(', '{', '[' 则字符入栈 ans,遇见的是右括号')', '}', ']'则 ans 出栈,看出栈的字符与当前右括号是否匹配。
class Solution(object):
def isValid(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: bool
ans = []
for i in s:
if i == "(" or i == "{" or i == "[":
if i == ")" or i == "}" or i == "]":
if len(ans) == 0:
return False
tmp = ans.pop()
if not self.match(tmp, i):
return False
if len(ans) == 0:
return True
return False
def match(self, s1, s2):
if s1 == "(" and s2 == ")":
return True
if s1 == "[" and s2 == "]":
return True
if s1 == "{" and s2 == "}":
return True
return False
2.Python 还有一种自己的思路,就是直接使用替代方法,遇见'(', ')', '{', '}', '[' 和 ']'成对匹配的字符则用 ‘’ 替换掉。
def isValid(s):
delta = len(s)
while(delta != 0 and delta %2 == 0):
s = s.replace("()", "")
s = s.replace("[]", "")
s = s.replace("{}", "")
delta = len(s) if delta > len(s) else 0
return len(s) == 0
>>> s='hello python,hello world,hello c++,hello java!'
>>> s.replace('hello','Hello')#将字符串s中的所有'hello'子串,替换成'Hello',返回替换后的字符串,原字符串s不变
'Hello python,Hello world,Hello c++,Hello java!'
>>> s
'hello python,hello world,hello c++,hello java!'
>>> s.replace('hello','Hello',2)#将字符串s中的前2个'hello'子串,替换成'Hello'
'Hello python,Hello world,hello c++,hello java!'
>>> s
'hello python,hello world,hello c++,hello java!'
>>> s.replace('wahaha','haha')#要替换的'wahaha'子串不存在,直接返回原字符串
'hello python,hello world,hello c++,hello java!'
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