Appium [问题] appium 打开 fullreset 之后真机中应用无法启动

王明海 · 2016年08月19日 · 最后由 期待飞翔的小鸟 回复于 2016年08月23日 · 2024 次阅读

在 appium 客户端中未勾选 fullreset 的时候可以正常启动,但是勾选 fullreset 之后应用无法启动并报出以下错误:

Launching Appium with command: '/Applications/' lib/server/main.js --command-timeout "7200" --pre-launch --debug-log-spacing --log "/tmp/appium.log" --log-timestamp --local-timezone --platform-version "9.3" --platform-name "iOS" --app "" --udid "57e95712fdd52a1fce030ed46808f1a98e9b2f5e" --full-reset --device-name "iPhone 6" --launch-timeout "90000" --native-instruments-lib

2016-08-19 15:40:49:607 - info: [debug] Starting Appium in pre-launch mode

2016-08-19 15:40:49:613 - info: Pre-launching app

2016-08-19 15:40:49:615 - info: *************************************

2016-08-19 15:40:49:615 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:615 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:615 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:616 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:616 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:616 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:616 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:617 - info: ****        NEW SESSION           ***

2016-08-19 15:40:49:617 - info: ****        NEW SESSION           ***
2016-08-19 15:40:49:618 - info: ****        NEW SESSION           ***
2016-08-19 15:40:49:618 - info: ****        NEW SESSION           ***
2016-08-19 15:40:49:618 - info: ****        NEW SESSION           ***
2016-08-19 15:40:49:618 - info: ****        NEW SESSION           ***
2016-08-19 15:40:49:619 - info: ****        NEW SESSION           ***
2016-08-19 15:40:49:619 - info: ****        NEW SESSION           ***
2016-08-19 15:40:49:619 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:620 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:620 - info: *************************************

2016-08-19 15:40:49:621 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:621 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:622 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:622 - info: *************************************
2016-08-19 15:40:49:622 - info: *************************************

2016-08-19 15:40:49:626 - info: [debug] App is an iOS bundle, will attempt to run as pre-existing
2016-08-19 15:40:49:627 - info: [debug] Creating new appium session 474f85dd-2538-4b61-909e-7bebde2a22d3

2016-08-19 15:40:49:630 - info: [debug] Removing any remaining instruments sockets

2016-08-19 15:40:49:635 - info: [debug] Cleaned up instruments socket /tmp/instruments_sock
2016-08-19 15:40:49:635 - info: [debug] Auto-detecting iOS udid...
2016-08-19 15:40:49:635 - info: [debug] Not auto-detecting udid, running on sim
2016-08-19 15:40:49:637 - info: [debug] Could not parse plist file (as binary) at /Applications/
2016-08-19 15:40:49:638 - info: Will try to parse the plist file as XML
2016-08-19 15:40:49:638 - info: [debug] Could not parse plist file (as XML) at /Applications/
2016-08-19 15:40:49:638 - warn: Could not parse app Localizable.strings assuming it doesn't exist
2016-08-19 15:40:49:638 - info: [debug] Creating instruments
2016-08-19 15:40:49:639 - info: [debug] Preparing uiauto bootstrap
2016-08-19 15:40:49:640 - info: [debug] Dynamic bootstrap dir: /Users/Hm/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap
2016-08-19 15:40:49:640 - info: [debug] Dynamic env: {"nodePath":"/Applications/","commandProxyClientPath":"/Applications/","instrumentsSock":"/tmp/instruments_sock","interKeyDelay":null,"justLoopInfinitely":false,"autoAcceptAlerts":false,"autoDismissAlerts":false,"sendKeyStrategy":"grouped"}

2016-08-19 15:40:49:647 - info: [debug] Dynamic bootstrap code: // This file is automatically generated. Do not manually modify!
2016-08-19 15:40:49:648 - info: [debug] Dynamic bootstrap path: /Users/Hm/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js

2016-08-19 15:40:49:652 - info: [debug] Reusing dynamic bootstrap: /Users/Hm/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js
2016-08-19 15:40:49:655 - info: [debug] Attempting iOS device log capture via libimobiledevice idevicesyslog

2016-08-19 15:40:49:784 - info: [debug] Creating iDevice object with udid 57e95712fdd52a1fce030ed46808f1a98e9b2f5e

2016-08-19 15:40:51:347 - info: [debug] App is not installed. Will try to install the app.

2016-08-19 15:40:52:968 - info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session

2016-08-19 15:40:52:969 - error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: Installing failed


共收到 5 条回复 时间 点赞

WDA 都这么好用了,为什么都还在芝芝不倦的用 Appium 里的 UIAutomation 呀

勾上 App Path

#2 楼 @sanlengjingvv 感谢,可是使用 fullReset 的时候由于缓存问题,卸载重装之后的 app 里面的数据并没有恢复到原有状态,这种问题该如何解决呢?

#1 楼 @codeskyblue 还没研究过那款工具


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