Appium [已解决] appium 使用 send_keys () 无法输入文字

jhw · 2016年01月20日 · 最后由 wanlik700c 回复于 2019年08月22日 · 7871 次阅读

写了条 case,从 txt 文件读取内容,用 send_keys() 输入到 app 的文本输入框中。可是每个环节好像都正确,最后 case 结果也 ok,就是输入框中没有输入任何内容。请教各位大神这是怎么回事?


def readFile(self,filename):
    f = open(filename,"r")
    lines = []
    while True:
        line = f.readline().decode("utf8")
        if not line: break
    return "".join(lines)

def test_04_editBody(self):
    text = self.readFile("text.txt")
    print text

txt 文件的内容:

1. Into the Woods

     "Help, A monster!” said Annie.
     "Yeah, sure!" said Jack. "A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania."
     "Run, Jack!" said Annie. She ran up the road. 
     Oh, brother.
     This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister.
     Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.
     "Watch out, Jack! The monster's coming! Race you!"
     "No, thanks!” said Jack.
     Annie raced alone into the woods. Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.
     "Come on, Annie! It's time to go home!"
     But Annie had disappeared. Jack waited. No Annie.
     "Annie!" he shouted again. 
     "Jack! Jack! Come here!" 
     Jack groaned.

(大概 700 个字符)

以下是 log

info: [debug] Waiting up to 0ms for condition
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: ["find",{"strategy":"xpath","selector":"//android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.FrameLayout[1]/android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.FrameLayout[1]/android.widget.RelativeLayout[1]/android.widget.ScrollView[1]/android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.EditText[1]","context":"","multiple":false}]

info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got data from client: {"cmd":"action","action":"find","params":{"strategy":"xpath","selector":"//android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.FrameLayout[1]/android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.FrameLayout[1]/android.widget.RelativeLayout[1]/android.widget.ScrollView[1]/android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.EditText[1]","context":"","multiple":false}}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command of type ACTION
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command action: find
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Finding //android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.FrameLayout[1]/android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.FrameLayout[1]/android.widget.RelativeLayout[1]/android.widget.ScrollView[1]/android.widget.LinearLayout[1]/android.widget.EditText[1] using XPATH with the contextId:  multiple: false

info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Using: UiSelector[CLASS=android.widget.EditText, INSTANCE=2]

info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Returning result: {"status":0,"value":{"ELEMENT":"2"}}
info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {"status":0,"value":{"ELEMENT":"2"},"sessionId":"9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586"}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session/9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586/element 200 123.966 ms - 87 {"status":0,"value":{"ELEMENT":"2"},"sessionId":"9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586"}
info: --> POST /wd/hub/session/9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586/element/2/value {"sessionId":"9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586","id":"2","value":["1","."," ","I","n","t","o"," ","t","h","e"," ","W","o","o","d","s","\n"," "," "," "," "," ","\n"," "," "," "," "," ","\"","H","e","l","p",","," ","A"," ","m","o","n","s","t","e","r","!","”"," ","s","a","i","d"," ","A","n","n","i","e",".","\n"," "," "," "," "," ","\"","Y","e","a","h",","," ","s","u","r","e","!","\""," ","s","a","i","d"," ","J","a","c","k","."," ","\"","A"," ","r","e","a","l"," ","m","o","n","s","t","e","r"," ","i","n"," ","F","r","o","g"," ","C","r","e","e","k",","," ","P","e","n","n","s","y","l","v","a","n","i","a",".","\"","\n"," "," "," "," "," ","\"","R","u","n",","," ","J","a","c","k","!","\""," ","s","a","i","d"," ","A","n","n","i","e","."," ","S","h","e"," ","r","a","n"," ","u","p"," ","t","h","e"," ","r","o","a","d","."," ","\n"," "," "," "," "," ","O","h",","," ","b","r","o","t","h","e","r",".","\n"," "," "," "," "," ","T","h","i","s"," ","i","s"," ","w","h","a","t"," ","h","e"," ","g","o","
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: ["element:setText",{"elementId":"2","text":"1. Into the Woods\n     \n     \"Help, A monster!” said Annie.\n     \"Yeah, sure!\" said Jack. \"A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania.\"\n     \"Run, Jack!\" said Annie. She ran up the road. \n     Oh, brother.\n     This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister.\n     Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.\n     \"Watch out, Jack! The monster's coming! Race you!\"\n     \"No, thanks!” said Jack.\n     Annie raced alone into the woods. Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.\n     \"Come on, Annie! It's time to go home!\"\n     But Annie had disappeared. Jack waited. No Annie.\n     \"Annie!\" he shouted again. \n     \"Jack! Jack! Come here!\" \n     Jack groaned.\n","replace":false}]
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got data from client: {"cmd":"action","action":"element:setText","params":{"elementId":"2","text":"1. Into the Woods\n     \n     \"Help, A monster!” said Annie.\n     \"Yeah, sure!\" said Jack. \"A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania.\"\n     \"Run, Jack!\" said Annie. She ran up the road. \n     Oh, brother.\n     This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister.\n     Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.\n     \"Watch out, Jack! The monster's coming! Race you!\"\n     \"No, thanks!” said Jack.\n     Annie raced alone into the woods. Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.\n     \"Come on, Annie! It's time to go home!\"\n     But Annie had disappeared. Jack waited. No Annie.\n     \"Annie!\" he shouted again. \n     \"Jack! Jack! Come here!\" \n     Jack groaned.\n","replace":false}}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command of type ACTION
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command action: setText
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Using element passed in.
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Attempting to clear using UiObject.clearText().

info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Text remains after clearing, but it appears to be hint text.

info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Text not cleared. Assuming remainder is hint text.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] [APPIUM-UIAUTO] [debug] Sending plain text to element: 1. Into the Woods
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] "Help, A monster!” said Annie.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] "Yeah, sure!" said Jack. "A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania."
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] "Run, Jack!" said Annie. She ran up the road.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] Oh, brother.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] "Watch out, Jack! The monster's coming! Race you!"
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] "No, thanks!” said Jack.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] Annie raced alone into the woods. Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] "Come on, Annie! It's time to go home!"
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] But Annie had disappeared. Jack waited. No Annie.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] "Annie!" he shouted again.
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] "Jack! Jack! Come here!"
info: [debug] [UIAUTOMATOR STDOUT] Jack groaned.

info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Returning result: {"status":0,"value":true}

info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {"status":0,"value":true,"sessionId":"9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586"}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session/9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586/element/2/value 200 6017.319 ms - 76 {"status":0,"value":true,"sessionId":"9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586"}
info: --> POST /wd/hub/session/9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586/back {"sessionId":"9d9a94a3-aafd-420c-af8c-675e105d4586"}
info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: ["pressBack"]

info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got data from client: {"cmd":"action","action":"pressBack","params":{}}
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command of type ACTION
info: [debug] [BOOTSTRAP] [debug] Got command action: pressBack


共收到 15 条回复 时间 点赞

没试过这么长的文字。短一点的可以成功吗?可以用 set_value 代替 send_key,再试试。

mark down。。。

jhw #3 · 2016年01月20日 Author

#2 楼 @monkey 不好意思 之前没有认真排版 不知道这回可以了不

试试 set_text()

jhw #5 · 2016年01月20日 Author

#1 楼 @b_88 短一点的文字可以输入,但是我想向文本框输入的文字越长越好。如果读一行输入一行的话,每次会把之前输入的删掉,达不到我要的效果。如果这个办法不行,不知还有没有其他办法?另外我用 set_value 会提示 WebDriverException: Message: Not yet implemented. Please help us:

#5 楼 @jhwhale 可能知道你的问题原因了。你读 txt 文件后返回的不是字符串啊。我刚刚试了一下是可以大文本输入的。在返回的时候这样写,你试试看。

return "".join(lines).encode('ascii','ignore')

请问下 新手一直遇到 AttributeError: 'WebElement' object has no attribute 'sendkeys'的错误 怎么解决

#7 楼 @xialuo 那 WebElement 到底有 sendkeys 这个 func 么~

#8 楼 @andward 不知道, 脚本是和他们写的对比了下差不多,运行却报这个错

jhw #10 · 2016年01月21日 Author

#6 楼 @b_88 果然好了。谢谢!看来我还要加强学习。我又读了这两篇文章,感觉帮助很大,贴在这里 字符编码 ASCII, Unicode 和 UTF-8 概念扫盲Python 编码介绍——encode 和 decode


看完帖子,还是不太明白,我今天也遇到类似的问题了。我的计划是先输入帐号,然后再到密码文本框输入密码,用 send_keys,结果运行起来时就变成:
我今晚运行了 4 次,只有一次是按照我的期待成功运行,其他三次都是上面这种情况,太郁闷了。。。
我的 appium 版本是

Moon [该话题已被删除] 中提及了此贴 07月15日 17:51

好像 webdriver 的 send_keys 一次性能发 五六百的长度的字符

wanlik700c 回复


P_Oliver 回复

在输入密码前,先在密码文本框点击一下,再做 send_keys 步骤。

需要 登录 后方可回复, 如果你还没有账号请点击这里 注册