HttpRunner httprunner 执行用例,概率性的报错 init session runner failed error="init plugin failed: connect grpc plugin failed

Kingo-V · 2024年01月05日 · 最后由 Kingo-V 回复于 2024年01月23日 · 6500 次阅读

hrp version v4.2.0

6:11PM INF start to prepare python plugin output="E:\PyWorkSpace\hq_ebs_api_test2\" path="E:\PyWorkSpace\hq_ebs_api_test2\debugtalk.
6:11PM INF exec command cmd="C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\Users\Kingo\.hrp\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m py_compile E:\PyWorkSpace\hq_ebs_api_
6:11PM INF find all function names functionNames=["get_sellorderitem_id","get_ramdon_phone","get_uuid","get_user_agent","isEqual","getTimeStamp","timeToDat
6:11PM INF set python3 executable path Python3Executable="C:\Users\Kingo\.hrp\venv\Scripts\python.exe"
6:11PM ERR init plugin failed: E:\PyWorkSpace\ error="connect grpc plugin failed: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\
nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol."
6:11PM ERR [Run] init session runner failed error="init plugin failed: connect grpc plugin failed: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually mea
ns that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol."
6:11PM INF quit hashicorp plugin process
2024-01-05T18:11:14.295+0800 [WARN] grpc-py: plugin failed to exit gracefully
PS E:\PyWorkSpace\hq_ebs_api_test2>

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可以去排查你的,你自己写的方法 httprunner 它不支持

他是概率性的报错,不是必现。自定义方法的问题可能性较小。怀疑是 重复初始化 plugin 产生大量 python 进程导致的

基本确认是每次执行产生大量 python 进程,不会自动结束进程导致内存溢出,程序运行失败导致的。每次执行完手动关闭 pycharm 终端,结束 python 进程很少有这种情况发送了。

我也老遇到这个问题 有什么解决方法吗

luck1xy 回复

每次执行完记得关闭重开下终端。 如果是 cmd 脚本执行,记得最后 exit 关闭命令窗口。这样就能结束当前执行产生的 python 进程。

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