通用技术 Google 开源了内部构建工具 bazel

andward_xu · 2015年03月25日 · 最后由 andward_xu 回复于 2015年04月02日 · 2348 次阅读

Google 今儿开源了自己的代码构建工具 bazel。

网址: http://bazel.io/
Github: https://github.com/google/bazel

Bazel is a build tool that builds code quickly and reliably. It is used to build the majority of Google's software, and thus it has been designed to handle build problems present in Google's development environment, including:

A massive, shared code repository, in which all software is built from source. Bazel has been built for speed, using both caching and parallelism to achieve this. Bazel is critical to Google's ability to continue to scale its software development practices as the company grows.

An emphasis on automated testing and releases. Bazel has been built for correctness and reproducibility, meaning that a build performed on a continuous build machine or in a release pipeline will generate bitwise-identical outputs to those generated on a developer's machine.

Language and platform diversity. Bazel's architecture is general enough to support many different programming languages within Google, and can be used to build both client and server software targeting multiple architectures from the same underlying codebase.

这货可以跟 jenkins 一起做持续集成~

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