Macaca macaca 启动 iphone 6 Plus 服务正常,启动 iphone XR 却启动了模拟器

Seadragon · 2018年11月26日 · 最后由 Seadragon 回复于 2018年12月10日 · 1952 次阅读

抓取的 macaca 启动服务的日志如下,启动真机 iphone,却启动了模拟器(代码中 udid 是真机的):

index.js:15:12 [master] pid:11843 webdriver server start with config:
{ port: 3475,
verbose: true,
always: true,
ip: '',
host: 'Seadragon',
loaded_time: '2018-11-23 17:51:04' }
middlewares.js:17:10 [master] pid:11843 base middlewares attached
router.js:132:10 [master] pid:11843 router set
Macaca server started
responseHandler.js:11:12 [master] pid:11843 Recieve HTTP Request from Client[2018-11-23 17:51:05]: method: GET url: /wd/hub/status, jsonBody: {}
responseHandler.js:49:14 [master] pid:11843 Send HTTP Respone to Client[2018-11-23 17:51:05]: {"sessionId":"","status":0,"value":"{\"build\":{},\"os\":{\"arch\":\"x64\",\"name\":\"darwin\",\"version\":\"\"}}"}
responseHandler.js:11:12 [master] pid:11843 Recieve HTTP Request from Client[2018-11-23 17:51:33]: method: POST url: /wd/hub/session, jsonBody: {"desiredCapabilities":{"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"12.0.1","deviceName":"“seadragon” 的 iPhone","udid":"00008020-00067C941E92002E","bundleId":"com.qiyi.iphone"}}
session.js:58:10 [master] pid:11843 Creating session, sessionId: cf3f589a-fb97-414e-a75d-8bdffc6f35d8.
macaca-ios.js:328:12 [master] pid:11843 Kill simulator failed Error: Command failed: killAll Simulator
No matching processes belonging to you were found

macaca-ios.js:334:12 [master] pid:11843 Shutdown simulator 00008020-00067C941E92002E failed Error: Command failed: xcrun simctl shutdown "00008020-00067C941E92002E"
Invalid device: 00008020-00067C941E92002E

responseHandler.js:56:12 [master] pid:11843 Send Error Respone to Client: UnknownError: Simulator 00008020-00067C941E92002E is not booted.
responseHandler.js:62:14 [master] pid:11843 UnknownError: Simulator 00008020-00067C941E92002E is not booted.
at device.isBooted.then.isBooted (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/macaca-ios/lib/macaca-ios.js:351:20)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)
responseHandler.js:78:14 [master] pid:11843 Send Bad HTTP Respone to Client[2018-11-23 17:52:17]: {"sessionId":"cf3f589a-fb97-414e-a75d-8bdffc6f35d8","status":13,"value":{"message":"Simulator 00008020-00067C941E92002E is not booted."}}

@xdf 求解,多谢

共收到 2 条回复 时间 点赞

楼主没发现 iPhone XR 的 udid 格式和 6p 的不一样吗?
我也遇到了这个问题,在 issue 上面问了没人回答。
查了找到一篇报道,苹果从 iPhone XR/XS/XS Max 开始不再提供 udid,只提供了 ecid,暂时不知道怎么解决。
@xdf 希望大佬求解。

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我发现了 群里也报了这个问题 没有回复 暂时用 iphone 8 在调试

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