习惯性伸手党区 请问 selenium 中如何隐藏键盘呢

云飞凌风 · 2014年08月21日 · 最后由 Archer 回复于 2014年08月21日 · 2874 次阅读

但是隐藏 ios 应用键盘需要点击 return 键,java 中的 return 是保留字,输入就出错
导入包:import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
请问怎么隐藏 ios 应用的键盘,请大神帮忙,谢谢!

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hidekeyboard 方法

#1 楼 @qddegtya action 调不出来 hidekeyboard 方法

#1 楼 @qddegtya
我现在试了用 Actions 类来对键盘操作,好像根本行不通

#3 楼 @wangcityboy

def hide_keyboard(self, key_name=None, key=None, strategy=None):
        """Hides the software keyboard on the device. In iOS, use `key_name` to press
        a particular key, or `strategy`. In Android, no parameters are used.

         - key_name - key to press
         - strategy - strategy for closing the keyboard (e.g., `tapOutside`)
        data = {}
        if key_name is not None:
            data['keyName'] = key_name
        elif key is not None:
            data['key'] = key
            # defaults to `tapOutside` strategy
            strategy = 'tapOutside'
        data['strategy'] = strategy
        self.execute(Command.HIDE_KEYBOARD, data)
        return self

这个方法属于 Driver 实例,用 driver 实例去调,源码里面写的够清楚了

Hides the software keyboard on the device. In iOS, use key_name to press
a particular key, or strategy. In Android, no parameters are used.

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