Appium [求助]Appium1.2 环境配置后,不能启动问题

曹曹 · 2014年08月08日 · 最后由 云飞凌风 回复于 2014年08月14日 · 2112 次阅读

环境:Appium for mac,python 开发环境
问题描述:在通过 appium-doctor 检测通过后, 仍无法启动。用户权限也提升到了 root 级别 LovetekiMac:/ love$

Python 2.7.5 (default, Mar 9 2014, 22:15:05)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.0.68)] on darwin
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LovetekiMac:/ love$ node -v
LovetekiMac:/ love$ npm -v
LovetekiMac:/ love$ wd -v
LovetekiMac:/ love$ appium -v
LovetekiMac:/ love$ appium-doctor
Running iOS Checks
✔ Xcode is installed at /Applications/
✔ Xcode Command Line Tools are installed.
✔ DevToolsSecurity is enabled.
✔ The Authorization DB is set up properly.
✔ Node binary found at /usr/local/bin/node
✔ iOS Checks were successful.

Running Android Checks
✔ ANDROID_HOME is set to "/Users/love/Desktop/eclipse/android"
✔ JAVA_HOME is set to "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_65.jdk/Contents/Home."
✔ ADB exists at /Users/love/Desktop/eclipse/android/platform-tools/adb
✔ Android exists at /Users/love/Desktop/eclipse/android/tools/android
✔ Emulator exists at /Users/love/Desktop/eclipse/android/tools/emulator
✔ Android Checks were successful.

✔ All Checks were successful

LovetekiMac:/ love$ appium &
[1] 1350
LovetekiMac:/ love$ error: Appium will not work if used or installed with sudo. Please rerun/install as a non-root user. If you had to install Appium using sudo npm install -g appium, the solution is to reinstall Node using a method (Homebrew, for example) that doesn't require sudo to install global npm packages.

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Appium will not work if used or installed with sudo。不让你提到 root 权限,你还特意提到 root...........

你當初在安裝時如果下的是 sudo npm -g appium 會有問題
要先手動把原本的 appium 清除掉重新用 npm -g appium 安裝
安裝時如果出錯跟你說要用 root 安裝的話 參考這裡:

非常感谢,经过尝试 成功启动了
先卸载了 appium

sudo npm uninstall -g appium
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
sudo npm cache clean
sudo npm update -g
npm install -g appium

#3 楼 @caovcao

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