Appium [ZZ]Sign Up for the First-Ever Appium Roadshow on August 20th in New York City

国文 · 2014年08月01日 · 1074 次阅读

We don’t know if you heard, but mobile is kind of a big deal.

Naturally, Appium – the only open source, cross-platform test automation tool for native, hybrid, and mobile web apps – emerged out of the need to Test All The (Mobile) Things. Last May, battle-tested Appium 1.0 was released, and now this Appium show is hitting the road!

Details and ticket links below. Hope to see you in New York!

Sign Up for the First-Ever Appium Roadshow on August 20th

Appium Roadshow – NYC is a two part, day-long event held on Wednesday, August 20 at Projective Space – LES in Manhattan’s Lower East Side.

Part 1 - Appium in the Wild

8:30 AM – 1:00 PM – Free

The morning session will showcase presentations from Gilt Groupe, Sharecare, Softcyrlic, and Sauce Labs. Topics will cover real-world examples, lessons learned, and best practices in mobile app test automation using Appium. Featured speakers include:

*Matthew Edwards – Mobile Automation Lead, Aquent
*Daniel Gempesaw – Software Testing Architect, Sharecare
*Matt Isaacs – Engineer, Gilt Groupe
*Jonathan Lipps – Director of Ecosystem and Integrations, Sauce Labs
*Sundar Sritharan – Delivery Manager, Softcrylic

This event is free. Breakfast and lunch included. Reserve your seat now – register here.

Part 2 – Appium Workshop

1:30 PM – 5:30 PM – $100

Matthew Edwards, a leading contributor to the Appium project, will provide a hands-on workshop to help you kick start your Appium tests. He’ll talk you through how to set up the environment needed for native iOS and Android automation with Ruby. You’ll then download and configure the to enable test writing. Then, Matthew will demonstrate how to kick up an Appium server and then run a test.

This event is limited to just 40 participants. Reserve your seat now – register here.


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