Appium 【已解决】使用 Appium(.net)连接 Android 虚拟机失败,提示 A exception with a null response was thrown sending an HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL

Simon · 2014年06月30日 · 最后由 Simon 回复于 2014年06月30日 · 2056 次阅读

求助个,C# 使用 appium 连接 Android(4.3)模拟器,提示:
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.SetCapability("browserName", "");
capabilities.SetCapability("appium-version", "1.1");
capabilities.SetCapability("platformName", "Android");
capabilities.SetCapability("platformVersion", "4.3");
capabilities.SetCapability("deviceName", "Android Emulator");
capabilities.SetCapability("app", @"F:\appium\appium-master\assets\ApiDemos.apk");
driver = new AppiumDriver(new Uri(""), capabilities);

{"A exception with a null response was thrown sending an HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL The status of the exception was ReceiveFailure, and the message was: 基础连接已经关闭: 接收时发生错误。"}

检查 appium 命令行中发现错误:
Arguments to path.resolve must be string。

运行环境: vs2013 + 最新版 nodejs,appium,虚拟机是使用 Genymotion 加载

共收到 2 条回复 时间 点赞

找到你的 appium 安装目录,{appium_home}\lib\devices\android 下 adb.js

var supportedBuildToolDirs = [ '17.0.0'
, '18.0.1'
, '19.0.0'
, '19.0.1'
, 'android-4.2.2'
, 'android-4.3'
, 'android-4.4' ];
将 4.4 改成 4.4.2

Thank you @panzhigang 问题解决了

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