新龙门客栈 STF 之复用 ADB

用户已注销 · 2019年09月03日 · 1846 次阅读

其他项目组有执行 Monkey 脚本的需求——直接在 STF 中也可以开发(就是以我目前的 Nodejs 水平,会相当……慢);后面还可能要做脚本测试、基于思寒大佬的 AppCrawler 的遍历测试。——这些可能都要使用 Java 来实现了。

假如还有一个 Java 应用也需要连接、管理设备,是否可以和 STF 共享?

在重温了官方说明以及 google 之后,以下方案应该是可行的:

  1. PC 上使用相同的 adb(相当于使用相同的 adb server)
  2. Java 端使用设备时,通知 STF 申请占用此设备——基于条件 1,可以利用 serial 进行识别设备
  3. STF 和 Java 应用都只是做为 adb client

STF 本身提供了 API 进行设备使用、释放的操作。这样 JAVA 应用使用设备时直接进行 API 调用即可,不影响 STF 本身的使用。——需要确保占用设备后,不会被踢出去"Device was kicked by automatic timeout.",默认时长似乎是 5 分钟。

# https://github.com/openstf/stf/blob/master/doc/API.md

var device = {serial: 'yyyy', timeout: 900000 }

clientWithPromise.then(function(api) {
  return api.user.addUserDevice({device: device})
    .then(function(res) {
      // { success: true, description: 'Device successfully added' }
.catch(function(err) {

官方文档还是要多读读,一直觉得两个 ADB 操作,可能会引起冲突。 实际上 STF 使用的 adbkit 中有明确说明

Please note that although it may happen at some point, this project is NOT an implementation of the ADB server. The target host (where the devices are connected) must still have ADB installed and either already running (e.g. via adb start-server) or available in $PATH.

adb 官方说明

A client, which sends commands. The client runs on your development machine. You can invoke a client from a command-line terminal by issuing an adb command.
A daemon (adbd), which runs commands on a device. The daemon runs as a background process on each device.
A server, which manages communication between the client and the daemon. The server runs as a background process on your development machine.


官方 code 说明 OVERVIEW 备查

Implementation notes regarding ADB.
I. General Overview:
The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is used to:
- keep track of all Android devices and emulators instances
  connected to or running on a given host developer machine
- implement various control commands (e.g. "adb shell", "adb pull", etc.)
  for the benefit of clients (command-line users, or helper programs like
  DDMS). These commands are called 'services' in ADB.
As a whole, everything works through the following components:
  1. The ADB server
    This is a background process that runs on the host machine. Its purpose
    is to sense the USB ports to know when devices are attached/removed,
    as well as when emulator instances start/stop.
    It thus maintains a list of "connected devices" and assigns a 'state'
    to each one of them: OFFLINE, BOOTLOADER, RECOVERY or ONLINE (more on
    this below).
    The ADB server is really one giant multiplexing loop whose purpose is
    to orchestrate the exchange of data (packets, really) between clients,
    services and devices.
  2. The ADB daemon (adbd)
    The 'adbd' program runs as a background process within an Android device
    or emulated system. Its purpose is to connect to the ADB server
    (through USB for devices, through TCP for emulators) and provide a
    few services for clients that run on the host.
    The ADB server considers that a device is ONLINE when it has successfully
    connected to the adbd program within it. Otherwise, the device is OFFLINE,
    meaning that the ADB server detected a new device/emulator, but could not
    connect to the adbd daemon.
    The BOOTLOADER and RECOVERY states correspond to alternate states of
    devices when they are in the bootloader or recovery mode.
  3. The ADB command-line client
    The 'adb' command-line program is used to run adb commands from a shell
    or a script. It first tries to locate the ADB server on the host machine,
    and will start one automatically if none is found.
    Then, the client sends its service requests to the ADB server.
    Currently, a single 'adb' binary is used for both the server and client.
    this makes distribution and starting the server easier.
  4. Services
    There are essentially two kinds of services that a client can talk to.
    Host Services:
      These services run within the ADB Server and thus do not need to
      communicate with a device at all. A typical example is "adb devices"
      which is used to return the list of currently known devices and their
      states. They are a few other services though.
    Local Services:
      These services either run within the adbd daemon, or are started by
      it on the device. The ADB server is used to multiplex streams
      between the client and the service running in adbd. In this case
      its role is to initiate the connection, then of being a pass-through
      for the data.
II. Protocol details:
  1. Client <-> Server protocol:
    This details the protocol used between ADB clients and the ADB
    server itself. The ADB server listens on TCP:localhost:5037.
    A client sends a request using the following format:
        1. A 4-byte hexadecimal string giving the length of the payload
        2. Followed by the payload itself.
    For example, to query the ADB server for its internal version number,
    the client will do the following:
        1. Connect to tcp:localhost:5037
        2. Send the string "000Chost:version" to the corresponding socket
    The 'host:' prefix is used to indicate that the request is addressed
    to the server itself (we will talk about other kinds of requests later).
    The content length is encoded in ASCII for easier debugging.
    The server should answer a request with one of the following:
        1. For success, the 4-byte "OKAY" string
        2. For failure, the 4-byte "FAIL" string, followed by a
           4-byte hex length, followed by a string giving the reason
           for failure.
    Note that the connection is still alive after an OKAY, which allows the
    client to make other requests. But in certain cases, an OKAY will even
    change the state of the connection.
    For example, the case of the 'host:transport:<serialnumber>' request,
    where '<serialnumber>' is used to identify a given device/emulator; after
    the "OKAY" answer, all further requests made by the client will go
    directly to the corresponding adbd daemon.
    The file SERVICES.TXT lists all services currently implemented by ADB.
  2. Transports:
    An ADB transport models a connection between the ADB server and one device
    or emulator. There are currently two kinds of transports:
       - USB transports, for physical devices through USB
       - Local transports, for emulators running on the host, connected to
         the server through TCP
    In theory, it should be possible to write a local transport that proxies
    a connection between an ADB server and a device/emulator connected to/
    running on another machine. This hasn't been done yet though.

    Each transport can carry one or more multiplexed streams between clients
    and the device/emulator they point to. The ADB server must handle
    unexpected transport disconnections (e.g. when a device is physically
    unplugged) properly.
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