招募软件测试世界杯 STWC2016 (Software Testing World Cup) 中国区/亚洲区评委若干名,主要是审查各参赛队测试报告并评分。预估占用周末一天时间,具体时间未定。要求英语读写流利,测试理论扎实,最重要的是对测试报告有独立性的评判。
To Do's
- Judging: reading Test reports reviewing Bugs, give rating points as well as text feedback
- Amount of teams which need to judged: depending on participants and amount of judges
- Answer Questions from teams, if they have some after your judgment
- Connect with STWC via Twitter, YouTube, Google+ & subscribe to our Newsletter
- Make suggestions for possible interested continental Judges
Additional Expectation
- Help us finding an SUT/SUT Sponsor for the continent you judge (with success get flight costs & **** Hotel costs during the STWC Finals & ATDs reimbursed)
- Help promote the World Cup: invite/ask your contacts to form a team and to participate
- Send out tweets in general & during the competition, join the Google handout live stream and help to answer questions via the YouTube Chat
- Write a Blog post afterwards about the Continental Competition
- Visibility on STWC webpage (your Name, Photo +Bio)
- 50% discount for Agile Testing Days Conf
- Get inspired by others Test reports/strategies -- "learning by judging"
- Chance to enlarge your network
比赛 2014 年第一次在中国区开放,评委是邰晓梅和徐毅老师。
晋升到 global 评委的话,可以提供来回德国的机票住宿。
QQ: 58180374 邮件: olympic2000@hotmail.com
Linkedin: https://cn.linkedin.com/in/humphrey-chen-43b03233
欢迎各位推荐测试领域有兴趣的老师,比赛预计 7/8 月份举行,在此之前推荐长期有效