我自己写了几个模块,想在 debugtalk.py 引用,使用 from xxx.bbb import *,
直接执行 debugtalk.py main 执行是可以的,
但是用命令行 hrp 运行脚本就直接报错了,像这种 debugtalk 引用自定义模块该如何操作?
9:32PM INF ensure python3 venv packages=["funppy==v0.5.0"] python3="C:\Users\xxxx\.hrp\venv\Scripts\python.exe"
9:32PM INF python package is ready name=funppy version=v0.5.0
9:32PM INF set python3 executable path Python3Executable="C:\Users\xxxx\.hrp\venv\Scripts\python.exe"
2023-06-26T21:32:04.054+0800 [WARN] grpc-py: plugin configured with a nil SecureConfig
9:32PM ERR init plugin failed: D:\code\hrpdemo.debugtalk_gen.py error="connect grpc plugin failed: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol."
9:32PM ERR [Run] init case runner failed error="init plugin failed: connect grpc plugin failed: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.: init plugin failed"
2023-06-26T21:32:04.161+0800 [ERROR] grpc-py: plugin process exited: path=C:\Users\xxxxx.hrp\venv\Scripts\python.exe pid=23628 error="exit status 1"
Error: init plugin failed: connect grpc plugin failed: Unrecognized remote plugin message:
This usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply
needs to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.: init plugin failed
9:32PM WRN hrp exit code=31