测试平台接入 HttpRunner V4


1.1 v4 版本支持go 形态jsonyaml等多种数据运行,那么接入可以从这几方面入手

  1. go 形态 需要将测试用例转成go代码,实现起来比较麻烦,所以不合适
  2. jsonyaml需要将测试用例转成文件,再去执行、收集测试报告,效率比较低,在有其他条件的情况下,尽量不考虑

1.2 考虑直接用代码调用

既然支持json格式,那么是否可以直接将测试用例转成json,然后直接塞入ITestCase中,这时候看稍微看了一下源码,好像也行不通,这时候看一下官方文档,发现一缕曙光,TestSteps:有序步骤的集合;采用了 go interface 的设计理念,支持进行任意协议和测试类型的拓展;步骤内容统一在 Run 方法中进行实现。最后通过这部分go interface的设计理念实现接入


  1. 实现ITestCase,通过源码发现ITestCase接口实现了GetPathToTestCase两个方法,那么只需要写一个struct实现GetPathToTestCase两个方法就可以
  2. 增加id字段,关联至已有的已有数据,方便统计用例运行情况
  3. 获取测试报告,v4 报告通类型为Summary,创建一个相同的结构体用来保存测试报告
  4. 函数驱动,由于文件读写问题,需要每个用例/任务/接口+id放在一个目录去运行 debugtalk,否则没办法同时运行多个用例/任务/接口,会出现 1 用例直接结束,停止 debugtalk 后导致异常


// 代码调用,以下只列出调用测试用例的关键代码
func RunCase(apiCaseID request.RunCaseReq) (reports interfacecase.ApiReport, err error) {
    toTestCase := ToTestCase{Config: apiConfig, TestSteps: apiCases.TStep}
    caseJson, _ := json.Marshal(toTestCase)

    tc := &hrp.TestCaseJson{
        JsonString:        string(caseJson),
        ID:                apiCaseID.CaseID,
        DebugTalkFilePath: debugTalkFilePath,
    reports, errs := hrp.NewRunner(t).
    if errs != nil {
        t.Fatalf("run testcase error: %v", err)
// 路径拼接
func tmpls(relativePath, debugTalkFileName string) string {
    return filepath.Join(debugTalkFileName, relativePath)
// 读取测试用例,并转换成httprunner格式
type TestCaseJson struct {
    JsonString        string
    ID                uint
    DebugTalkFilePath string

func (testCaseJson *TestCaseJson) GetPath() string {
    return testCaseJson.DebugTalkFilePath

func (testCaseJson *TestCaseJson) ToTestCase() (*TestCase, error) {
    tc := &TCase{}
    var err error
    casePath := testCaseJson.JsonString
    tc, err = loadFromString(casePath)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = tc.MakeCompat()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    tc.Config.Path = testCaseJson.GetPath()

    testCase := &TestCase{
        ID:     testCaseJson.ID,
        Config: tc.Config,

    projectRootDir, err := GetProjectRootDirPath(testCaseJson.GetPath())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get project root dir")

    // load .env file
    dotEnvPath := filepath.Join(projectRootDir, ".env")
    if builtin.IsFilePathExists(dotEnvPath) {
        envVars := make(map[string]string)
        err = builtin.LoadFile(dotEnvPath, envVars)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load .env file")

        // override testcase config env with variables loaded from .env file
        // priority: .env file > testcase config env
        if testCase.Config.Environs == nil {
            testCase.Config.Environs = make(map[string]string)
        for key, value := range envVars {
            testCase.Config.Environs[key] = value

    for _, step := range tc.TestSteps {
        step.ParntID = step.ID
        step.ID = 0
        if step.API != nil {
            apiPath, ok := step.API.(string)
            if !ok {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("referenced api path should be string, got %v", step.API)
            path := filepath.Join(projectRootDir, apiPath)
            if !builtin.IsFilePathExists(path) {
                return nil, errors.New("referenced api file not found: " + path)

            refAPI := APIPath(path)
            apiContent, err := refAPI.ToAPI()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            step.API = apiContent

            testCase.TestSteps = append(testCase.TestSteps, &StepAPIWithOptionalArgs{
                step: step,
        } else if step.TestCase != nil {
            casePath, ok := step.TestCase.(string)
            if !ok {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("referenced testcase path should be string, got %v", step.TestCase)
            path := filepath.Join(projectRootDir, casePath)
            if !builtin.IsFilePathExists(path) {
                return nil, errors.New("referenced testcase file not found: " + path)

            refTestCase := TestCasePath(path)
            tc, err := refTestCase.ToTestCase()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            step.TestCase = tc
            testCase.TestSteps = append(testCase.TestSteps, &StepTestCaseWithOptionalArgs{
                step: step,
        } else if step.ThinkTime != nil {
            testCase.TestSteps = append(testCase.TestSteps, &StepThinkTime{
                step: step,
        } else if step.Request != nil {
            testCase.TestSteps = append(testCase.TestSteps, &StepRequestWithOptionalArgs{
                step: step,
        } else if step.Transaction != nil {
            testCase.TestSteps = append(testCase.TestSteps, &StepTransaction{
                step: step,
        } else if step.Rendezvous != nil {
            testCase.TestSteps = append(testCase.TestSteps, &StepRendezvous{
                step: step,
        } else if step.WebSocket != nil {
            testCase.TestSteps = append(testCase.TestSteps, &StepWebSocket{
                step: step,
        } else {
            log.Warn().Interface("step", step).Msg("[convertTestCase] unexpected step")
    return testCase, nil

func loadFromString(jsonString string) (*TCase, error) {
    tc := &TCase{}
    decoder := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader([]byte(jsonString)))
    err := decoder.Decode(tc)
    return tc, err
// 在HRPRunner下增加运行测试用例,并输出测试报告
func (r *HRPRunner) RunJsons(testcases ...ITestCase) (interfacecase.ApiReport, error) {
    event := sdk.EventTracking{
        Category: "RunAPITests",
        Action:   "hrp run",
    // report start event
    go func() {
        err := sdk.SendEvent(event)
        if err != nil {

    // report execution timing event
    defer func(e sdk.IEvent) {
        err := sdk.SendEvent(e)
        if err != nil {

    // record execution data to summary
    s := newOutSummary()

    // load all testcases
    testCases, err := LoadTestCases(testcases...)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msg("run json failed to load testcases")
        return interfacecase.ApiReport{}, err

    // run testcase one by one
    for _, testcase := range testCases {
        sessionRunner, err := r.NewSessionRunner(testcase)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error().Err(err).Msg("[Run] init session runner failed")
            return interfacecase.ApiReport{}, err
        defer func() {
            if sessionRunner.parser.plugin != nil {

        for it := sessionRunner.parametersIterator; it.HasNext(); {
            if err = sessionRunner.Start(it.Next()); err != nil {
                log.Error().Err(err).Msg("[Run] run testcase failed")
                return interfacecase.ApiReport{}, err
            caseSummary := sessionRunner.GetSummary()
            caseSummary.CaseID = testcase.ID
    s.Time.Duration = time.Since(s.Time.StartAt).Seconds()

    // save summary
    if r.saveTests {
        err := s.genSummary()
        if err != nil {
            return interfacecase.ApiReport{}, err

    // generate HTML report
    if r.genHTMLReport {
        err := s.genHTMLReport()
        if err != nil {
            return interfacecase.ApiReport{}, err
    sj, _ := json.Marshal(s)
    global.GVA_LOG.Debug("\n" + string(sj))
    var reportsStruct interfacecase.ApiReport
    err = json.Unmarshal(sj, &reportsStruct)
    return reportsStruct, nil
// python函数驱动方法
func BuildHashicorpPyPlugin(debugTalkByte []byte, debugTalkFilePath string) {
    log.Info().Msg("[init] prepare hashicorp python plugin")
    //src, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(tmpls("plugin/"))
    err := ioutil.WriteFile(tmpls("", debugTalkFilePath), debugTalkByte, 0o644)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msg("copy hashicorp python plugin failed")

func RemoveHashicorpPyPlugin(debugTalkFilePath string) {
    log.Info().Msg("[teardown] remove hashicorp python plugin")
    // on v4.1^, running case will generate used by python plugin
    os.Remove(tmpls(PluginPySourceFile, debugTalkFilePath))
    os.Remove(tmpls(PluginPySourceGenFile, debugTalkFilePath))
// 增加id ,只列出修改部分,根据之前git提交记录,不确定是否齐全,有问题欢迎联系
type TStep struct {
    ID            uint                   `json:"ID"`
    ParntID       uint                   `json:"parntID"`

type Summary struct {
    CaseID   uint               `json:"caseID"`

type TestCase struct {
    ID        uint
func (r *SessionRunner) Start(givenVars map[string]interface{}) error {
    stepResult, err := step.Run(r)  // 在这一行下增加下面一行
    stepResult.ParntID = step.Struct().ParntID
