


(1)顺序控制方法:目前使用了 dependsOnMethods 和 testng.xml 中 methods 中的 include 方法顺序控制
结果:偶尔方法执行顺序混乱,大概 20% 的概率
(3)增加 RePrioritizingListener

package tools.testng_Listeners;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.testng.IAnnotationTransformer;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.ITestAnnotation;

//Listener to fix TestNG Interleaving issue.  I had to re-write this as the original example I had did not allow for priority to be manually set on a test level.
public class RePrioritizingListener implements IAnnotationTransformer {

    HashMap<Object, Integer> priorityMap = new HashMap<Object, Integer>();
    Integer class_priorityCounter = 10000;
    // The length of the final priority assigned to each method.
    Integer max_testpriorityLength = 4;

    public void transform(ITestAnnotation annotation, Class testClass, Constructor testConstructor, Method testMethod) {

        // class of the test method.
        Class<?> declaringClass = testMethod.getDeclaringClass();
        // Current priority of the test assigned at the test method.
        Integer test_priority = annotation.getPriority();
        // Current class priority.
        Integer current_ClassPriority = priorityMap.get(declaringClass);

        if (current_ClassPriority == null) {
            current_ClassPriority = class_priorityCounter++;
            priorityMap.put(declaringClass, current_ClassPriority);

        String concatenatedPriority = test_priority.toString();

        // Adds 0's to start of this number.
        while (concatenatedPriority.length() < max_testpriorityLength) {
            concatenatedPriority = "0" + concatenatedPriority;

        // Concatenates our class counter to the test level priority (example
        // for test with a priority of 1: 1000100001; same test class with a
        // priority of 2: 1000100002; next class with a priority of 1. 1000200001)
        concatenatedPriority = current_ClassPriority.toString() + concatenatedPriority;

        //Sets the new priority to the test method.

        String printText = testMethod.getName() + " Priority = " + concatenatedPriority;



然后在 testng.xml 中添加 listener,解决了 method 乱序问题,目前未发现乱序问题

        <listener class-name="tools.testng_Listeners.RePrioritizingListener"></listener>
