
他们公司 2006 创建于美国硅谷,目前有 400 多名员工,现在在

比如 GOOGLE 或者 BING 的搜索引擎商会允许广告商对一些关键词
进行竞标,价高者得,出价越高的公司,只要有人用 GOOGLE 或者

Marinsoftware 帮助客户参与竞标,而且他们能告诉客户哪些广告或者


  1. 公司业务有技术含量;
  2. 公司发展至今,持续赚钱
  3. 公司所有成员都来自知名学府,比如斯坦福大学、MIT(麻省理工),而且都是硕士博 士学历 为多,他们目前在中国 10 名左右的团队也是基本从斯坦福或者国内顶尖高校出来的,所以 也希望背景好的牛人加入。
  4. 一旦加入,以后去美国硅谷学习工作的机会会很多的。 5 公司氛围很好。 预定办公室地点:静安寺附近

Test Automation Engineer 
本科 5 年 硕士 3 年以上
我们目前的测试名额有 3 个,2 个 test automation engineer (一半手动,一半自动化测试,要求英语好,因为和美国沟通,还有 test case 的 design 要细致),
和 1 个 senior software engineer in test(对于 Java 的编程要求高些,主要写自动化框架)

java 能看懂,最好能写 之后做自动化 + 手工测试 +Selenium

Jd 如下:

Senior Software Engineer (Backend)
Marin Software Engineers are passionate about designing quality code through a collaborative process. We enjoy intense mathematics and computer science challenges and approach these problems with creativity and teamwork. Marin Software is looking for a backend Senior Software Engineer.

? Work collaboratively with Asia- and US- based team members, creating innovative solutions to difficult problems faced by a (very) large market.
? Design, build, and unit test object-oriented software in a collaborative environment.
? Build scalable, stable, and efficient processes to collect, manipulate, present, and analyze large datasets.
? Adapt Marin’s SaaS platform to work with new publishers and APIs.
? Passion for developing efficient, testable and well-documented code.

? Object Oriented Programming (Java, C++) and design (UML, patterns).
? Unit testing (JUnit) and documentation (Javadoc).
? Experience developing distributed systems, especially data stores.
? Database systems and algorithmic development (RDBMS, OLAP, Structured Storage)
? Experience building intensive data driven applications.
? Experience integrating with web services through a SOAP interface
? Comfortable working in all environments: Linux, Max OS/X and Windows.
? Good communication skills, speaking and writing fluent English.
? BS/MS/Ph.D. in Computer Science or closely related discipline
? 3 + years relevant work experience.

This is a full-time salaried position located in Shanghai, China. Compensation depends on prior experience. Marin Software’s world headquarters is located in the financial district of San Francisco with remote offices in Chicago, Austin, Portland and New York. European headquarters are located in London with additional offices in Singapore, Paris, Hamburg, Sydney and Tokyo.

Marin Software provides the leading digital ad management platform, with over 1,800 brands managing more than $4 billion in annualized ad investments on Marin. Offering an integrated platform for search, social, display, and mobile marketing, Marin helps advertisers and agencies improve financial performance, save time, and make better decisions. Headquartered in San Francisco, with offices worldwide Marin's technology powers marketing campaigns in more than 160 countries. For more inf

工作地点:南京西路 288 号汇兴金融中心 12 楼
地铁一号线 人民广场 11 号出口

2.补充公积金 个人 + 公司 3% 不超过上海最高封顶数
3.免费的商业医疗保险为员工和家属提供的国际医疗计划信诺& CMC

5.15 天年假,8 天病假,五天陪产假
7.一年 12 个月工资,1 月份 1 个月的奖金,8 月份有一个月的奖金
