
之前采用方案是直接保存 webelement 的元素,然后发现一个问题,每次当跳到其他页面然后返回前一页面时,取出前面页面元素进行遍历点击时都引用失效了,直接报出StaleElementReferenceException


First of all lets be clear about what a WebElement is.

A WebElement is a reference to an element in the DOM.

A StaleElementException is thrown when the element you were interacting is destroyed and then recreated. Most complex web pages these days will move things about on the fly as the user interacts with it and this requires elements in the DOM to be destroyed and recreated.

When this happens the reference to the element in the DOM that you previously had becomes stale and you are no longer able to use this reference to interact with the element in the DOM. When this happens you will need to refresh your reference, or in real world terms find the element again.
public static String getAbsoluteXPath(WebElement element)
        return (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
                "function absoluteXPath(element) {"+
                        "var comp, comps = [];"+
                        "var parent = null;"+
                        "var xpath = '';"+
                        "var getPos = function(element) {"+
                        "var position = 1, curNode;"+
                        "if (element.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {"+
                        "return null;"+
                        "for (curNode = element.previousSibling; curNode; curNode = curNode.previousSibling)
                        "if (curNode.nodeName == element.nodeName) {"+
                        "return position;"+

    "if (element instanceof Document) {"+
    "return '/';"+

    "for (; element && !(element instanceof Document); element = element.nodeType ==
Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE ? element.ownerElement : element.parentNode) {"+
    "comp = comps[comps.length] = {};"+
    "switch (element.nodeType) {"+
    "case Node.TEXT_NODE:"+
    "comp.name = 'text()';"+
    "case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:"+
    "comp.name = '@' + element.nodeName;"+
    "comp.name = 'processing-instruction()';"+
    "case Node.COMMENT_NODE:"+
    "comp.name = 'comment()';"+
    "case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:"+
    "comp.name = element.nodeName;"+
    "comp.position = getPos(element);"+

    "for (var i = comps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {"+
    "comp = comps[i];"+
    "xpath += '/' + comp.name.toLowerCase();"+
    "if (comp.position !== null) {"+
    "xpath += '[' + comp.position + ']';"+

    "return xpath;"+

"} return absoluteXPath(arguments[0]);", element);
