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最开始在 2014 年的国际软件测试大会上发布精准测试的时候,它叫穿线测试,英文名字叫 Threading Test,
表达了精准测试的本质,Threading 这个英文单词本身有两个含义,一个是穿线一个是线程,
对于京东云文章中说到精准测试一开始是 threading testing,由于提到是精准测试的起源,想来一开始的目的是比较有意义的,
thread testing 这个术语 (terminology/glossary) 令人惊讶的在istqb-Standard Glossary of Terms Used in Software Testing
这个网站上查不到,那这个从哪里来?哪个 2014 年的国际软件测试大会上发布?再一查,还是没有查到,可能是我的搜索能力有限
再查了一些外网关于这个 thread testing:
Thread Testing is one such type of software testing that is usually
conducted during the early stages of System Integration Testing.
A thread is the smallest unit of work that can be carried out by the system and
it is mainly used to verify the functional capabilities of a specific task or thread.
In thread testing, testers focus on testing individual logical execution paths
in context of the entire system.
综合以上,个人认为 thread testing 不是精准测试的起源,而是如何尽可能尽早的进行主要功能的集成测试,用一个测试 (thread test) 尽可能
覆盖足够好独立的功能. 你说他精准吧,可能也说的通,但是他的定义是集成测试的一种,所以还是集成测试.
所以最后还是放弃精准测试平台这个路,管好测试用例,做好接口自动化,做好代码 review 和开发沟通或许是目前最合适的方法。
既然查了一下相关内容,然后一时对于代码插桩这个描述,是在不知道是个什么东西,最后查了一下,英文是: code instrumentation 这个
不确定为什么要翻译成代码插桩,但是我也不知道翻译成什么好, 就是叫成代码插桩感觉哪里不对,不能叫代码测量吗?
In software engineering the need for secure and high quality software has spurred intense
research activity in the areas on software debugging, testing and constraint analysis.
Code instrumentation is a common technique used to track application behaviour.
The most popular usages for code instrumentation are software debugging,
performance analysis, monitoring, distributed computing and aspect oriented programming.
Typical instrumentation techniques provide information about code coverage during software testing activities.
Current approaches make use of instrumentation by inserting additional code that monitors the behavior of a specific component.
This thesis presents and applies two novel approaches that use an instrumentation technique:
(1) A Runtime Debugging approach is aimed at detecting and resolving runtime faults in object-oriented code.
The approach relies on bytecode instrumentation in order to provide code coverage for predefined unit tests.
The results are analysed using Reverse Engineered techniques. The approach consists in merging both succesfull and
faulty code execution traces and detecting the faults by analysing the differences in the output traces.
(2) A Security Constraint Checking approach uses the notion of security consistency in designs. Byte code instrumentation techniques are used to provide code coverage for selected unit tests. Direct acyclic graphs are constructed from the output traces using reverse engineered techniques. The graphs contain object method calls in a similar manner to UML Sequence Diagrams. This approach uses the results of the instrumentation to check for consistency with design generated security constraints. Furthermore this approach analyzes these views for
security inconsistencies, and generates a set of recommendations.